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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) US Laws and Amendments Questions

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Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Who has the power to pardon or commute sentences for state crimes?
  1. state governor
  2. state supreme court
  3. speaker of the house
  4. state attorney general
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Which situation does NOT involve a right protected by the Bill of Rights?
  1. The ability to own a gun, as long as the laws are followed
  2. The guarantee of a well paying job
  3. Freedom to publish opinions in the local newspaper
  4. Freedom to join the church of choice
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
What does the phrase "insure domestic tranquility" in the Preamble of the Constitution mean?
  1. Give land to the homeless
  2. Fight wars on foreign soi
  3. Keep the homeland at peace
  4. Provide citizens with insurance
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Where did the concept of citizenship begin?
  1. Ancient China
  2. Ancient Rome and Greece
  3. medieval Euorpe
  4. the United States
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Governments have the power to make and enforce laws
  1. so the police can arrest you
  2. to find people who are not good citizens
  3. to keep people safe and prevent conflicts
  4. to run peoples' lives
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
How does rule of law affect U.S. government officials and institutions?
  1. It requires government officials and institutions to create new laws.
  2. It prevents government officials and institutions from making their work public.
  3. It ensures government officials and institutions are exempt from laws.
  4. It holds government officials and institutions accountable to the law
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Any change in the constitution is called a(n)
  1. Preamble
  2. Amendment
  3. Judicial Branch
  4. Bill of Rights
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Which of the following is a job of the government?
  1. limit travel
  2. make laws
  3. manage information
  4. provide merchandise
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