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African Imperialism Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 African Imperialism
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Which European leader personally claimed the Congo Free State as his own?
  1. Otto von Bismarck
  2. Benjamin Disraeli
  3. Leopold II
  4. Napoleon III
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Who organized the Berlin Conference?
  1. Klemens von Metternich
  2. Georges Clemenceau
  3. Otto von Bismarck
  4. David Livingston
Grade 9 African Imperialism
By 1914, all of Africa was controlled by European countries except which three nations?
  1. Ethiopia, the Dervish State, Liberia
  2. Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa
  3. Somalia, Ethiopia, Mali
  4. Egypt, the Congo, Algeria
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Grade 9 African Imperialism
Grade 9 African Imperialism
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