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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Agriculture Questions

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Grade 12 Agriculture
At what age is a female deer sexually mature?
  1. 12 months
  2. 18 months
  3. 24 months
  4. 36 months
Grade 12 Agriculture
What drove the quail out of North Texas in the 1970's
  1. Over Hunting
  2. Fire Ants
  3. Farming
  4. Climate Change
Grade 12 Agriculture
Give another name for the Pittman-Robertson Act
  1. Forest Reserve Act
  2. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act
  3. Wilderness Act
  4. Conservation Act
Grade 12 Agriculture
What agency in the U.S. is the lead agency in wetlands regulation and protection?
  1. U.S. Parks and Wildlife Department
  2. Wetland Protection Agency
  3. U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
  4. Department of Renewable Resources
Grade 12 Agriculture
The National Fisheries is divided between the Department of Commerce and the Department of Interior.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Agriculture
What is Wildlife?
Grade 12 Agriculture
What year was the Forest Reserve Act?
  1. 1891
  2. 1981
  3. 1964
  4. 1864
Grade 12 Agriculture
What year was the Wilderness Act?
  1. 1991
  2. 1864
  3. 1861
  4. 1964
Grade 12 Agriculture
List as many feed alternative for corn to meet energy requirements
Grade 12 Agriculture
Define Wildlife Management
Grade 12 Agriculture
List Mahoney's five pillars of the North American Wildlife Conservation Model
Grade 12 Agriculture
List as many feed alternatives to soybean to meet amino acid requirements
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