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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Artificial Intelligence Questions

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Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What is Pattern Recognition used for?
  1. Program that Identifies what is being seen.
  2. Reads text then says it back to you (used for the blind)
  3. Listens to what is being said and then is being written.
  4. Reading is strange, a Gestalt process that transforms words into images.
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
which of the following is correct about a robot?
  1. Robots perform specific manual tasks.
  2. Robots are not computers.
  3. Robots performs only mental tasks.
  4. A robot does not require peripherals.
  5. None of the above
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What is intelligence?
  1. intuition
  2. ability to reason
  3. ability to learn
  4. high mental capacity
  5. all of the above
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
A set of rules for constructing sentences is..
  1. automatic translation
  2. machine learning
  3. semantics
  4. syntax
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Speech recognition technique is...
  1. a technique for computer, converting into text files from voice input
  2. a technique for a computer, reading the text out loud
  3. technique to save voices on mp3 in hard disk
  4. Solve logic problems in math
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What involves a computer and two people? (one who interrogates)
  1. machine learning
  2. natural language
  3. Turing Test
  4. Operating game
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following technique is part of the artificial intelligence (AI)?
  1. Able to burn a movie into DVD
  2. Able to save a picture in jpg format in hard disk
  3. Able to play mp3 files stored in hard disk
  4. Able to understand the humans' languages
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What is a Turing test?
  1. a way to test how intelligent the machine is
  2. a way to test how well can a person see with their naked eye
  3. a way to test how fast does a person's hair grow
  4. a way to test how fast can a person calculates mathematical problem
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
The identification of spoken words and sentences by computer, making it possible for voice input to be converted into text files is..
  1. neural networks
  2. sensors
  3. speech recognition
  4. speaker independence
  5. optical character recognition
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
One of the examples of machine learning is...
  1. a machine, learn how to do a good surgery from watching other doctor's surgery operation
  2. changing the screen resolution of the screen
  3. Installing new operating system on a computer
  4. change the computer's CPU, faster processor
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following is the correct definition of fuzzy logic?
  1. Conclusions stated as uncertainties
  2. Conclusions stated as probabilities.
  3. Conclusions that computers can't make.
  4. Human decision that involve uncertainties.
  5. Human decision that involve probabilities.
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What is knowledge engineer
  1. people who is discovering the human brain structure
  2. group of people who hacks other computers
  3. Computer programmers, construct the expert system
  4. teachers for IT
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following technique is part of the artificial intelligence (AI)?
  1. Able to burn a movie into DVD
  2. Able to save a picture in jpg format in hard disk
  3. Able to play mp3 files stored in hard disk
  4. Able to understand the humans' languages
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy logic allows conclusion to be stated as                                     
  1. probabilities rather than certainties
  2. certainties and probabilitities
  3. probabilities rather than conclusions
  4. all the above
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Generic expert systems containing human interferences and interference engines
  1. robots
  2. fuzzy logic
  3. expert system shells
  4. semantics
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following hardware do robots use in order to collect data from the outside world?
  1. Output Device
  2. Memory Cards
  3. Processors
  4. Input Device
  5. None of the above
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the following technique is part of the artificial intelligence (AI)?
  1. Able to burn a movie into DVD
  2. Able to save a picture in jpg format in hard disk
  3. Able to play mp3 files stored in hard disk
  4. Able to understand the humans' languages
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
Which of the congenitive skills does intelligence cover?
  1. ability to solve problems
  2. learn
  3. understand language
  4. all of the above
  5. this has not been determined yet
Grade 12 Artificial Intelligence
What congenitive skills does the term Intelligence cover?
  1. ability to solve problems
  2. learn
  3. unerstand language
  4. all of the above
  5. cannot be determined yet
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