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Third Grade (Grade 3) Atmosphere Questions

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Grade 3 Atmosphere
What weather tool is used to measure how hot or how cold something is?
  1. Boiling Point
  2. Air Pressure
  3. Thermometer
  4. Temperature
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better fits the sentence?

Dark gray clouds and a rumbling sound are signs that a                 is on the way.
  1. drought
  2. thunderstorm
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Earth's atmosphere has lots of gases in it. Our bodies use this one when we breathe.
  1. nitrogen
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. oxygen
Grade 3 Atmosphere
The anemometer and weather vane are weather tools used to measure wind
  1. speed and temperature.
  2. direction and pressure.
  3. pressure and temperature.
  4. direction and speed.
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better fits the sentence?

Rain falls from                .
  1. wind
  2. clouds
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better fits the sentences?

The weather scientist saw a tornado on the radar screen. The National Weather Service issued a tornado                .
  1. watch
  2. warning
Grade 3 Atmosphere
All of the following are examples of precipitation except
  1. hail.
  2. rain.
  3. lightning.
  4. snow.
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better matches the sentences?

It had not rained in two months. The ground became dry and the plants started to die.
  1. drought
  2. blizzard
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better matches the sentence?

This is the layer of gases that surrounds Earth.
  1. weather
  2. atmosphere
Grade 3 Atmosphere
The                 at Earth's surface determines the form of precipitation.
  1. water cycle
  2. condensation
  3. temperature
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better fits the sentences?

There was a chance of strong thunderstorms later. The National Weather Service issued a thunderstorm                .
  1. watch
  2. warning
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Earth is tilted on its axis. This causes
  1. day and night.
  2. phases of the Moon.
  3. the seasons.
  4. a year.
Grade 3 Atmosphere
An example of condensation is water forming on the outside of a glass.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Evaporation is the process that causes dew to form.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Which word better fits the sentence?

Rain and snow are two types of                .
  1. atmosphere
  2. precipitation
Grade 3 Atmosphere
Rain, snow, and sleet are all forms of                .
  1. condensation
  2. precipitation
  3. evaporation
  4. vapor
Grade 3 Atmosphere
A rain gauge is a tool that measures the                 of rainfall.
  1. temperature
  2. amount
  3. speed
  4. time
Grade 3 Atmosphere
The air around Earth makes up the                .
  1. atmosphere
  2. weather
  3. snow
  4. rain
Grade 3 Atmosphere
The changing of a liquid into a gas is                .
  1. evaporation
  2. condensation
  3. precipitation
  4. snow
Grade 3 Atmosphere
A storm that buries cars, plants, and buildings in snow is a
  1. blizzard.
  2. hurricane.
  3. tornado.
  4. flood.
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