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Third Grade (Grade 3) Geology Questions

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Grade 3 Rocks
A rock is usually made up of one or more                .
  1. minerals
  2. sands
  3. fossils
  4. soils
Grade 3 Soil
Why is soil so important?
  1. Provides food and support for plants
  2. Eaten by animals
  3. Eaten by people
  4. Keeps Earth clean
Grade 3 Rocks
                has small grains and holds very little water.
  1. Sand
  2. Clay
  3. Rock
Grade 3 Rocks
                has the smallest grains and holds a lot of water.
  1. Salt
  2. Sand
  3. Clay
Grade 3 Soil
Soil is formed when                 are broken down by weather, water and living things over long periods of time.
  1. trees
  2. rocks
  3. insects
  4. animals
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What landform has a peak?
  1. Plain
  2. Plateau
  3. Mountain
  4. Valley
Grade 3 Soil
Which is the top layer of soil?
  1. topsoil
  2. subsoil
  3. bedrock
  4. humus
Grade 3 Soil
What is the name of the loose material that covers most of Earth's surface?
  1. soil
  2. lava
  3. clouds
  4. sheets
Grade 3 Geomorphology
Gravity can pull rocks and soil rapidly down a hillside causing a(n)                .
  1. tsunami
  2. earthquake
  3. landslide
  4. volcano
Grade 3 Rocks
What type of rock is created from lava?
  1. metamorphic
  2. igneous
  3. sedimentary
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
The crust is the hottest layer of Earth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Soil
What are minerals, weathered rock, and other things mixed together?
  1. Fossils
  2. Rocks
  3. Soil
Grade 3 Geomorphology
The process of breaking down rocks into smaller particles is called                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. sedimentation
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
The                 is the layer below Earth's crust.
  1. inner core
  2. outer core
  3. mantle
  4. crust
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
The                 is Earth's hottest layer.
  1. crust
  2. core
  3. mantle
  4. erosion
Grade 3 Historical Geology
Where are most fossils found?
  1. soil
  2. lava
  3. igneous rock
  4. sedimentary rock
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
The diagram shows the layers of Earth.

Layers Of The Earth

What is layer D called?
  1. crust
  2. mantle
  3. inner core
  4. outer core
Grade 3 Rocks
Igneous rocks are made from melted rock.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What causes erosion?
  1. wind
  2. moving water
  3. ice
  4. all of the above
Grade 3 Rocks
What type of rock is created when Earth's materials are put under great pressure?
  1. sedimentary
  2. igneous
  3. metamorphic
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