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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Atmosphere Questions

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Grade 8 Atmosphere
What statement can clearly explain the basic reason for Earth's seasons?
  1. As the Sun moves away from Earth, the seasons will change.
  2. As Earth revolves around the Sun, the seasons change.
  3. As Earth revolves around the Sun, Earth's tilt will result in either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere getting more exposure from the direct rays of the Sun.
  4. None of these are true.
Grade 8 Atmosphere
What are the three main types of clouds?
  1. Altostratus, Stratus, Cirrus Status
  2. Cumulus, Altocumulus, Cumulusnimbus
  3. Stratuscumlus, Cirrus, Cululus
  4. Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Where do hurricanes form?
  1. over warm ocean water
  2. over mountain ranges
  3. in the desert
  4. over open fields
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Pressure decreases rapidly with altitude because the air becomes
  1. colder.
  2. less dense.
  3. warmer.
  4. rich in ozone.
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Using a resource wisely so that it will not be used up is called
  1. filtration.
  2. conservation.
  3. distillation.
  4. coagulation.
Grade 8 Atmosphere
The Maritime Tropical air mass is characterized by
  1. cold and wet air.
  2. warm and wet air.
  3. cold and dry air.
  4. warm and dry air.
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
What is the name of the atmospheric layer labeled B?
Atmosphere Without Text Labels
  1. mesosphere
  2. troposphere
  3. stratosphere
  4. thermosphere
Grade 8 Atmosphere
The gas called ozone is composed of
  1. ozone atoms.
  2. helium atoms.
  3. nitrogen atoms.
  4. oxygen atoms.
Grade 8 Atmosphere
What is a hurricane?
  1. A large funnel that forms from the sky
  2. A lightning storm
  3. A storm that forms at sea and strikes land
  4. An ice blizzard with gusty winds
Grade 8 Atmosphere
Why does atmospheric temperature increase with altitude in the stratosphere?
  1. because it is closer to the Sun
  2. because is it less dense than the troposphere
  3. because it is under a lot of pressure
  4. because of the presence of the ozone layer
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