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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Atmosphere Questions

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Grade 4 Atmosphere
Which natural hazard is caused by weather?
  1. flooding
  2. tsunami
  3. earthquake
  4. volcanic eruption
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Strong winds can result in natural hazards. Which two natural hazards listed result from strong winds?
  1. tornadoes and tsunamis
  2. hurricanes and tornadoes
  3. tsunamis and earthquakes
  4. earthquakes and hurricanes
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Air is a mixture of many different
  1. stars.
  2. rocks.
  3. gases.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
What is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time?
  1. weather
  2. hydrosphere
  3. atmosphere
  4. troposphere
Grade 4 Atmosphere
As part of a school weather project, Jesse needs to record the amount of precipitation that falls at her home on a warm day. Which instrument should she use?
  1. barometer
  2. anemometer
  3. windsock
  4. rain gauge
Grade 4 Atmosphere
A weather instrument consisting of a camera attached to a device orbiting in space high above Earth, that takes pictures of clouds here on Earth, would be a(n)                  .
  1. barometer
  2. anemometer
  3. radar
  4. weather satellite
Grade 4 Atmosphere
A weather vane tells
  1. how fast the wind blows.
  2. the direction from which the wind comes.
  3. the air pressure.
  4. the amount of rain that falls.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
The temperature, precipitation, and wind in a place at a given time is called                .
  1. weather
  2. climate
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Weather is the condition of the outside air at any particular moment.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Atmosphere
A barometer measures
  1. how fast the wind blows.
  2. the direction from which the wind comes.
  3. the amount of rain.
  4. air pressure.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
What is water that is in the form of a gas called?
  1. air
  2. atmosphere
  3. water vapor
  4. oxygen
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Precipitation that falls in form of balls of ice is called                .
  1. hail
  2. rain
  3. snow
Grade 4 Atmosphere
                is the process of liquid water turning into water vapor.
  1. Storage
  2. Precipitation
  3. Evaporation
  4. Condensation
Grade 4 Atmosphere
The North Pole and South Pole are both in what type of climate region?
  1. Tropical
  2. Polar
Grade 4 Atmosphere
What is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the surface of Earth?
  1. winter
  2. atmosphere
  3. water vapor
  4. troposphere
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Humidity is
  1. a device that measures precipitation.
  2. any form of water that falls from the air.
  3. the amount of water vapor in the air.
  4. a cloud that touches Earth's surface.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
An anemometer tells
  1. how fast the wind blows.
  2. the direction from which the wind comes.
  3. air pressure.
  4. how hot or cold the air is.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Droplets of water (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) fall to Earth's surface. This is called                .
  1. evaporation
  2. condensation
  3. precipitation
Grade 4 Atmosphere
Air masses usually move                 in the U.S.A.
  1. west to east
  2. north to south
  3. east to west
  4. south to north
Grade 4 Atmosphere
What layer of the atmosphere is closest to Earth's surface?
  1. troposphere
  2. thermosphere
  3. mesosphere
  4. stratosphere
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