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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Christian Studies Questions

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Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
According to Proverbs 10:1, what makes a parent glad?
  1. A wise child
  2. A foolish child
  3. A good report card
  4. Love, respect, and obedience
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
As a sign of the covenant, God changed the                 of Abraham and Sarai.
  1. looks
  2. names
  3. hair
  4. cloths
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
What are the four Gospels?
  1. Mathew, Mark, Andrew, Paul
  2. Mathew, Mark, Luke, John
  3. John, Joesph, Paul, Peter
  4. Joesph, Mary, Jesus, God
Grade 4 The History of Jesus
What do we call the day that Jesus shared his last meal with his apostles?
  1. Good Friday
  2. Holy Saturday
  3. Easter
  4. Holy Thursday
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
God always remains                 to his people.
  1. sin
  2. faithful
  3. hope
  4. names
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
How many days did it take God to create the world?
  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 3
  4. 10
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
One consequence of the disobedience of Adam and Eve is the inclination to                .
  1. hope
  2. names
  3. friendship
  4. sin
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
What happened when Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit?
  1. They died
  2. They wanted more
  3. They knew as much as God
  4. Gave into the temptation of the Serpent
Grade 4 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Catholics believe this Sacrament is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
  1. Marriage
  2. Eucharist
  3. Reconciliation
  4. Confirmation
Grade 4 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
For Catholics, this Sacrament is the FIRST step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are infants or adults, this Sacrament is the Church's way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.
  1. Baptism
  2. Holy Orders
  3. Eucharist
  4. Confirmation
Grade 4 God's Plan of Salvation
God promised to send his son         Jesus         to bring us             Salvation            
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Beatitudes means:
  1. great happiness
  2. thankfulness
  3. praise
  4. joy
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Blessed are the meek: for they shall                  .
  1. inherit the earth
  2. be persecuted
  3. be filled
  4. be humble
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
On Mount         Sinai         God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which was our            Covenant            with God.
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Matthew 5 is referred to as the:
  1. Mountian Speech
  2. Lord's Prayer
  3. Beatitudes
  4. Blessed Speech
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Blessed are they that                : for they shall be comforted.
  1. cry
  2. are hurt
  3. mourn
  4. fall
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Who is responsible for taking care of the Earth?
  1. Farmers
  2. Our Parents
  3. God
  4. Everyone
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
By disobeying God, the first people broke their                 with him.
  1. friendship
  2. sin
  3. Exodus
  4. faithful
Grade 4 The History of Jesus
After his resurrection Jesus spent      40      days on Earth before returning to Heaven also known as the             Ascension             into Heaven.
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Mary was told by whom that she would have a baby?
  1. Joesph
  2. Elizabeth
  3. John
  4. Gabriel
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