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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Christian Studies Questions

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Grade 7 Christian Studies
          Solomon          was the last of 3 great kings.
Grade 7 Christian Studies
Who was the first patriarch of Israel?
  1. Abraham
  2. Crete
  3. Solomon
  4. Cyprus
  5. Saul
  6. Augustus
Grade 7 Christian Studies
       Saul        was the first of the 3 great kings.
Grade 7 Christian Studies
For Christians, Easter represents the                resurrection                of Jesus Christ.
Grade 7 Christian Studies
The angel was angry at Gideon's disbelief and punished him.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 Creation and the Fall of Man
Choose the word that best completes the following definition:                 is the ability that God has given us to choose between good and evil. He wants us to love Him by our own choice and so humans are free to choose sin and evil.
  1. Dignity
  2. The Soul
  3. Free will
  4. Original sin
Grade 7 Christian Studies
God revealed his holiness first to Moses
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 The History of Jesus
Who did Jesus choose to follow and work alongside him?
  1. Joseph
  2. Mary
  3. Abraham
  4. The Apostles
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the word used to name the good news of God's loving plan of Salvation, especially revealed through the events of Jesus' life, Passion (suffering), death, Resurrection, and Ascension?
  1. The Gospels
  2. A Covenant
  3. The Ten Commandments
  4. The Beatitudes
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
What is the plan of God for human beings?
  1. That every person know, love, and serve him
  2. That every person share in His beautiful divine life
  3. That every person perform good works to set an example for others
  4. A. and B.
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
How did God reveal Himself?
  1. Creation, the Ten Commandments, and by saving Noah
  2. Creation, the Ten Commandments, and by sending Jesus
  3. Creation, the Bible, and by sending Jesus
  4. The Bible, the Pope, and by sending Jesus
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
The Gospel tells us God will give us:
  1. the ability to follow the 10 commandments
  2. the help we need to be good people
  3. punishment for our sins
  4. the free gift of eternal life
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
What is the "Torah"?
  1. The Old Testament
  2. The first five books of the Old Testament, or Pentateuch
  3. The New Testament
  4. A robe worn by the priest on Holy Days
Grade 7 Christian Studies
Who is Elimelek?
  1. The Husband of Naomi (Before Death)
  2. The Author of Proverbs
  3. One of Joshua's Tribe Members
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
Who was the first human king of Israel?
  1. Samuel
  2. Solomon
  3. Joshua
  4. Saul
Grade 7 The History of Jesus
Who is the head of the Church?
  1. The Priest
  2. The Pope
  3. Jesus
  4. The Bishop
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
According to Proverbs 12:27, what is considered a precious possession?
  1. Gold
  2. A good wife
  3. A word fitly spoken
  4. Diligence
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
According to Hebrews 3:16-19, because the people failed to trust in God - how long did Israel wander in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land?
  1. 45 years
  2. 60 years
  3. 110 years
  4. 40 years
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
What is the name of the land in the Middle East that is associated with the life of Jesus?
  1. Holy Land
  2. Jesus Land
  3. Muslim Land
  4. Christian Land
Grade 7 Christian Studies
        David         was the middle king.
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