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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Living a Godly Life Questions

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Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
The Gospel leads us to serve God because:
  1. we have to
  2. we want to avoid punishment
  3. we want to thank God for his love for us
  4. God will love us more if we serve him more
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
The                  are supposed to influence our attitudes and behaviors, and help us to live good, happy lives.
  1. Blessed Trinity
  2. Ten Commandments
  3. Providence
  4. Covenants
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
The Law tells us:
  1. what Christ has done for us
  2. what God wants us to do and not do
  3. how much God loves us
  4. that we are good people by nature
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
When humans stop                , they stop being human.
  1. forgiving
  2. healing
  3. sharing
  4. loving
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
As                 of Jesus, we too can become examples of God's love.
  1. sinners
  2. believers
  3. disciples
  4. parishioners
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the:
  1. chicken
  2. spirit
  3. land
  4. gospel
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
When we say "deliver us from evil" we are asking to be         freed         from evil.
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
In the Bible, Jesus said to show love by placing               others                needs before                      mine/ my own                      .
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
The Trinity is perfect                , and God desires that we reflect that same                 in our relationships.
  1. love
  2. covenant
  3. unity
  4. mercy
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
What does it mean to be self-centered?
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
List 3 things the early Christians did together as a church?
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
What is hospitality?
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
List 3 spiritual gifts.
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
What is the purpose of a spiritual gift?
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
What is evangelism?
Grade 7 Living a Godly Life
What is servanthood?
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