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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Living a Godly Life Questions

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Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
God doesn't look at a person's outward attempts to make themselves acceptable (worthwhile). He looks at their:
  1. money.
  2. heart.
  3. friends.
  4. parents.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Communication with God.
  1. metanoia
  2. prayer
  3. grace
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Man (this includes all people) was given emotions so people could feel and respond to:
  1. animals.
  2. God.
  3. this question.
  4. stuff.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
The ultimate love of neighbor.
  1. charity
  2. peace
  3. joy
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Human sexuality:
  1. belongs only in marriage.
  2. is sinful.
  3. is only for reproduction.
  4. is a gift that draws us out of ourselves towards others.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
The bad things we do come from:
  1. the fruit.
  2. God.
  3. Jesus.
  4. within.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
What is a Christian view of History?
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Which of the following are signs that love is going wrong?
  1. You have an argument.
  2. Your boyfriend compliments another girl or your girlfriend compliments another boy.
  3. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is jealous and possessive towards you.
  4. The initial excitement of seeing each other has worn off.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Happiness and love that we receive when living a holy life; inner peace.
  1. charity
  2. grace
  3. joy
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
In order to move closer to God, we must               communicate               with Him through daily          prayer         .
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
              Persistence               in prayer is necessary even if we feel that God is not listening to our prayers.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
If we choose God we will find only a fleeting, temporary happiness.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Explain the Biblical principle of "Stewardship."
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
When Paul says that love believes all things, he means that:
  1. we should believe everything that those we love tell us.
  2. we should never stop trusting in the power of love to bring about change.
  3. we will never have doubts about a person we really love.
  4. we should always trust a person who claims to be acting in love.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
How do you love God with all your mind?
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
List the 5 ways to achieve personal holiness.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
List and explain the three expressions of prayer and give an example of each.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Explain how and when each grace is received and explain the effect it has on our personal holiness: sanctifying grace, sacramental grace, and cooperating grace.
Grade 9 Living a Godly Life
Explain the importance of having a spiritual director.
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