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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Living a Godly Life Questions

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Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
We show our respect for the Creator by our                 of creation.
  1. stewardship
  2. disregard
  3. love
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
The New Testament ends with this book. It is a prophetic book about things that have already been fulfilled and of things to come. It is highly symbolic.
  1. Revelation
  2. 1 Thessalonians
  3. Genesis
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
What is a conscience?
  1. When you are awake
  2. A practical judgement concerning the moral goodness or evil of some course of action
  3. A practical judgement concerning what to wear in the morning
  4. A practical judgement concerning the moral implications of burnt cheese
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
Which of the following things does not lessen guilt.
  1. Fear
  2. Concupiscence
  3. Temptation
  4. Violence
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
Social justice is not affected by the decisions and choices that we make.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
To live in a way pleasing to God, we need to study and meditate on the Bible.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
We rely on scripture alone to help us understand the full Revelation of God.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
At the core of the virtue of                 is the pursuit of justice and peace.
  1. love
  2. solidarity
  3. divisiveness
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
What is the difference between Biblical Principles and Personal preferences?
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
Is a conscience always perfect? Why or why not?
Grade 10 Living a Godly Life
What is ignorance?
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