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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Living a Godly Life Questions

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Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
Wisdom is                                                        .
  1. good judgement based on past experiences
  2. the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge
  3. knowledge according to the world
  4. the ability to make choices because of the consequences
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
Open rebellion and direct disobedience                                                                          .
  1. come from a deceitful and wicked heart
  2. result in severe consequences
  3. show a loack of submission both to human authority and to God's authority
  4. show that a person is not content with God's plan for his or her life
  5. all of the above
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
                  is the careful and responsible management of possessions, abilities, talents, and time.
  1. Wisdom
  2. Fear of the Lord
  3. Stewardship
  4. none of the above
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
To reconcile means to repair a relationship.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
When you examine your conscience, you think about what you have done wrong and how you have failed to do good.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
How serious is the New Covenant meal, what are we to do?
  1. We don't do anything, we take it because we go to church
  2. We think about what Jesus did for us, we examine ourselves and confess any sin in our lives before we take it.
  3. We don't do anything, we take it to show other people we are Christians
  4. We think about what Jesus did for us, and take it because we go to church
Grade 5 Living a Godly Life
How can we show we believe God's plan?
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