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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Living a Godly Life Questions

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Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
As Christians, what is the purpose of our lives, both now and throughout eternity?
  1. To serve the needy
  2. To make people laugh and smile
  3. To be examples of Christ's love
  4. To glorify God
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
                are beliefs you feel strongly about that help guide the way you live.
  1. emotions
  2. confidence
  3. respect
  4. values
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
A prayer asking God to make someone or something holy is a            blessing           .
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
The purpose of prayer is:
  1. To get Christmas gifts
  2. To wish harm on others
  3. To adore and thank God
  4. Contrition for sins and petition for God's will
  5. Both C & D
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
According to Proverbs 31:30, what personal quality has eternal value?
  1. Inward beauty produced through having a right relationship with God
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Submission to one another out of reverence for Christ
  4. Self-control
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
Advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty is:
  1. elevation
  2. reconcile
  3. repentance
  4. guidance
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
What kind of spiritual effect can music have?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
What can you learn from David to help you face the "Goliaths" in your life?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How can you proclaim Jesus to others?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
In what areas of life may God call young people to be prophets?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How is Jesus' experience of family like your own experience?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How can John's message be applied to a modern audience?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How can you look to Mary's example of trusting in God when God challenges you to do something difficult?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How can trusting God and working hard help you handle stress in your own life?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How might you work to proclaim John's message of repentance?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
What riches does faithfulness offer versus the riches sinfulness offers?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How might you bring God's messages to others?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
What messages might the three Isaiahs bring to today's world?
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
How can you use Joshua as a model for measuring your own heroes?
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