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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who was saved by the flood because he was a good and holy man?
  1. Adam
  2. Abraham
  3. Noah
  4. Jesus
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who is the Father of Faith?
  1. Abraham
  2. Noah
  3. Adam
  4. God
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
They defeated the Chaldeans and took over Babylon. Their king, Cyrus, permitted Jews to return to Judah.
  1. Babylonians
  2. Assyrians
  3. Persians
  4. Israelites
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Speaking against God in a hateful manner:
  1. profanity
  2. blasphemy
  3. cursing
  4. using God's name in vain
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
                     ,                      ,                      , are significant leaders in early Christianity.
  1. Peter, Paul and Mary
  2. Peter, Paul, and John
  3. Joseph, Mary, John
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
What is the Bible?
  1. A book written by God
  2. A book written by Jesus
  3. A book written by perfect men
  4. Many books written by people over a long period
  5. Many books written by the church
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Which book of the Bible is NOT from the Old Testament?
  1. Genesis
  2. Numbers
  3. Acts of the Apostles
  4. Proverbs
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, what will God do if His people humble themselves, pray, and turn from their sins?
  1. He will store up rewards in heaven for them
  2. He will write down their name in the Book of Life
  3. He will shower them with His love
  4. He will forgive their sin and heal their land
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who conquered Israel and scattered the tribes across their empire?
  1. Zealots
  2. Prophets
  3. Persians
  4. Rabbis
  5. Chaldeans
  6. Assyrians
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
What do 2 Timothy and John 17:17 tell us about the Bible in its original writings?
  1. It is without error and totally trustworthy
  2. It was written by inspiration of God
  3. It was written in Spanish
  4. It had many mistakes that were taken out
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
The story of Abraham and Sarah can be found in the book of                .
  1. Exodus
  2. Genesis
  3. Wisdom
  4. Numbers
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
On Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the                         .
  1. Keys to the kingdom
  2. The Beatitudes
  3. The Ten Commandments
  4. The 12 Days of Christmas
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Jonah was a prophet to Ninevah.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
After the death of Moses,                 lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
  1. Adam
  2. Pope Francis
  3. Justin Beiber
  4. Joshua
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
How were the teachings of the Bible passed on from generation to generation, before being put into written form?
  1. The Internet
  2. Oral tradition
  3. Pony Express
  4. Telegraph
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Besides Deuteronomy, Numbers, and Leviticus, the remaining two scrolls of the Old Testament are:
  1. the Acts of the Apostles and Revelation
  2. Book of Wisdom and Psalms
  3. Genesis and Exodus
  4. Letters from the Romans and Colossians
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who traded his birthright for a bowl of stew?
  1. Esau
  2. Enoch
  3. Ezra
  4. Adam and Eve
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
A person who is inspired by God in the Bible:
  1. Minister
  2. Prophet
  3. Patriarch
  4. Disciple
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
The Old Testament is the story of the:
  1. Israelites
  2. Romans
  3. Gentiles
  4. Americans
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
God forgives me because he loves me.
  1. True
  2. False
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