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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) God's Plan of Salvation Questions

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Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
In order to be saved you have to:
  1. Believe in Jesus
  2. Go to church
  3. Be a good person
  4. give 10% of your income to the church
  5. obey your parents
  6. Try to do more good than bad
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
According to 1 John 2:1-2, for whom did Jesus die?
  1. Gentiles
  2. Jews
  3. Americans
  4. For all people
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History spans:
  1. the New Testament
  2. the Old Testament
  3. both the New and Old Testaments
  4. through today
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History is the story of how God saves us from sin and death and brings us to eternal life because of God's great love for us.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Who is the "seed" that the promise comes through?
  1. Moses
  2. Abraham
  3. Isaac
  4. Jesus
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
God's plan is for us to have:
  1. suffering
  2. eternal life
  3. plenty to eat
  4. many friends
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
The men and women included in Salvation History only show great faith and never weakness.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
The Old Testament contains the first                 parts of Salvation History.
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History culminates in the        life       , Passion,         death        , and                Resurrection                of Jesus Christ.
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History can be broken down into eight different parts.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
The stories of the men and women of Salvation History show us that God works through            ordinary            people.
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Jesus died to                           save us (from our sins)                          .
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