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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Other Questions

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Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Christians celebrate the day Jesus rose from the dead as
  1. Palm Sunday.
  2. Good Friday.
  3. Easter.
  4. Ash Wednesday.
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who was saved by the flood because he was a good and holy man?
  1. Adam
  2. Abraham
  3. Noah
  4. Jesus
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
As Christians, what is the purpose of our lives, both now and throughout eternity?
  1. To serve the needy
  2. To make people laugh and smile
  3. To be examples of Christ's love
  4. To glorify God
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who is the Father of Faith?
  1. Abraham
  2. Noah
  3. Adam
  4. God
Grade 6 Library Science
Which book comes first to file in the nonfiction section?
  1. 551.2 Ker
  2. 551.2 Can
  3. 551.2 All
  4. 551.2 Alb
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
They defeated the Chaldeans and took over Babylon. Their king, Cyrus, permitted Jews to return to Judah.
  1. Babylonians
  2. Assyrians
  3. Persians
  4. Israelites
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Speaking against God in a hateful manner:
  1. profanity
  2. blasphemy
  3. cursing
  4. using God's name in vain
Grade 6 Creation and the Fall of Man
The earth and entire universe was created by God.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 Library Science
If you see a book that shouldn't be where it is, what will you do?
  1. Return it to its owner
  2. Put it in its proper place
  3. Leave it for someone else to find
  4. Take the book home
Grade 6 Creation and the Fall of Man
This is the first book in the Bible and it is about beginnings.
  1. Exodus
  2. Genesis
  3. Acts
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus calls Christians to forgive other people no matter what they did to you.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
                     ,                      ,                      , are significant leaders in early Christianity.
  1. Peter, Paul and Mary
  2. Peter, Paul, and John
  3. Joseph, Mary, John
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
                are beliefs you feel strongly about that help guide the way you live.
  1. emotions
  2. confidence
  3. respect
  4. values
Grade 6 Living a Godly Life
A prayer asking God to make someone or something holy is a            blessing           .
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
What is the Bible?
  1. A book written by God
  2. A book written by Jesus
  3. A book written by perfect men
  4. Many books written by people over a long period
  5. Many books written by the church
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Which book of the Bible is NOT from the Old Testament?
  1. Genesis
  2. Numbers
  3. Acts of the Apostles
  4. Proverbs
Grade 6 Christian Studies
The meal that Jesus celebrated at the                 became for us a memorial of the sacrifice that Jesus made in order to save humanity from sin.
  1. Passover
  2. Seder Meal
  3. Last Supper
Grade 6 Islamic Studies
What does as-Sadiq mean?
  1. Truthful One
  2. Happy one
  3. Orphan
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, what will God do if His people humble themselves, pray, and turn from their sins?
  1. He will store up rewards in heaven for them
  2. He will write down their name in the Book of Life
  3. He will shower them with His love
  4. He will forgive their sin and heal their land
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who conquered Israel and scattered the tribes across their empire?
  1. Zealots
  2. Prophets
  3. Persians
  4. Rabbis
  5. Chaldeans
  6. Assyrians
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