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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Other Questions

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Grade 9 Culinary Skills
When following a recipe, this is the most helpful practice to acquire.
  1. don't preheat oven in advance
  2. only read one step at a time
  3. be creative with suggested equipment
  4. carefully read the recipe through twice
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
How should you hold a knife?
  1. hold knife handle with one hand and the food item with the other with tucked in fingers
  2. hold knife handle with one hand and the blade with the other
  3. hold knife handle with one hand and use your fingers to guide the blade
  4. hold knife handle with one hand, relax your other hand by your side
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
How do you walk safely with a knife?
  1. hold knife facing up with the blade on a slight angle
  2. hold knife facing out and on a slight angle
  3. hold knife facing down and on a slight angle
  4. hold knife by the blade and on a slight angle
Grade 9 Kitchen Equipment and Tools
What is a serrated knife?
  1. A knife with a zig-zag edge that is used to cut bread with.
  2. A long knife with a smooth blade.
  3. A small knife used for cutting herbs.
  4. A small knife used for cutting small ingredients.
Grade 9 Kitchen Equipment and Tools
What is a paring knife?
  1. A knife that you cut pears with.
  2. A small knife that is used to peel and cut small ingredients with.
  3. A knife that is used to cut meat.
  4. A knife that is large and used to cut bread with.
Grade 9 Culinary Math
A measuring system used throughout most of the world is called:
  1. Metric System
  2. Customary System
  3. Euro System
  4. International Measuring System
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Identify the illness caused by food that is not safe to consume.
  1. food sanitation
  2. food poisoning
  3. food incubation
  4. food degradation
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Which phrase best fits food safety and sanitation?
  1. When in doubt, throw it out.
  2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  3. Measure twice, cut once.
  4. An ounce of saftey is worth a pound of cured ham.
Grade 9 Welding and Metal Fabrication
Which of the following footwear would NOT contribute to shop safety?
  1. closed toed shoes
  2. sandals
  3. tennis shoes
  4. hunter boots
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
The best way to thaw Frozen food should be in the                        
  1. Sink
  2. Oven
  3. Refrigerator
  4. Pan it will be cooked in
Grade 9 Baking Skills
A leavening agent made from dry acid or salt acid, baking soda, and starch or flour is?
  1. Baking powder
  2. Baking eggs
  3. Baking fat
  4. Baking soda
Grade 9 Agriculture
Fertilizers and pesticides have slowed the ability of farmers to produce high-yielding crops.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Identify how to cut safely when using a knife.
  1. cut towards your body
  2. cut away from your body
  3. cut on a diagonal
  4. cut towards your body, closest to your fingers
Grade 9 Culinary Math
How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Food labels provide information about the ingredients and nutritional value of foods.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Identify the behavior that is not safe while cooking in the kitchen.
  1. keep cupboards and drawers closed after using them
  2. keep tools and equipment away from the edge of the counter
  3. wait until you're finished cooking before cleaning spills on the floor
  4. communicate when you are opening the oven or carrying hot food to the sink
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
Which statement about eggs is true?
  1. Eggs are a good source of protein.
  2. If you whip eggs too long, they will liquify.
  3. Eggs are a high calorie food at 150 calories per egg.
  4. Eggs cooked over-easy are healthier than eggs cooked over-well.
Grade 9 Culinary Math
1 cup equals how many tablespoons?
  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 18
Grade 9 Baking Skills
One of the biggest causes of popover failures is?
  1. Not enough eggs
  2. Too much butter
  3. Too much cooking
  4. Not enough cooking
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
What is the difference between food safety and sanitation?
  1. Food sanitation deals with the food preparer; food safety deals with the cleanliness of the work area.
  2. Food sanitation deals with cooking temperatures; food safety deals with cooking utensils
  3. Food safety is how food is handled to prevent food-borne illness; food sanitation is the cleanliness of equipment and facilities.
  4. Food safety is handling equipment the correct way; food sanitation deals with the prevention of accidents and illness.
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