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God's Plan of Salvation Questions - All Grades

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Grade 1 God's Plan of Salvation
                is the sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
  1. Last Supper
  2. Mass
  3. Eucharist
  4. Gospel
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
What is the plan of God for human beings?
  1. That every person know, love, and serve him
  2. That every person share in His beautiful divine life
  3. That every person perform good works to set an example for others
  4. A. and B.
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
How did God reveal Himself?
  1. Creation, the Ten Commandments, and by saving Noah
  2. Creation, the Ten Commandments, and by sending Jesus
  3. Creation, the Bible, and by sending Jesus
  4. The Bible, the Pope, and by sending Jesus
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
The Gospel tells us God will give us:
  1. the ability to follow the 10 commandments
  2. the help we need to be good people
  3. punishment for our sins
  4. the free gift of eternal life
Grade 3 God's Plan of Salvation
I am the one and only true God.
  1. Baal
  2. Zues
  3. Pharaoh
  4. Jehovah
  5. Hermes
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
According to Matthew 5:10-12, what does Jesus promise to Christians who endure persecution?
  1. Great reward in heaven
  2. To sit at the right hand of God
  3. Salvation
  4. The gift of eternal life
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
In order to be saved you have to:
  1. Believe in Jesus
  2. Go to church
  3. Be a good person
  4. give 10% of your income to the church
  5. obey your parents
  6. Try to do more good than bad
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
Everything that Jesus said and did showed the                 that God has for us. As the Son of God, Jesus forgave, healed, taught us how to live through his words and deeds, and gave us his own life.
  1. mercy
  2. providence
  3. distrust
  4. love
Grade 1 God's Plan of Salvation
Why do we not have to sacrifice animals anymore?
  1. Jesus' blood washes away our sins.
  2. There are no more animals to sacrifice.
  3. We don't sin.
Grade 5 God's Plan of Salvation
How did God prepare the world for Jesus?
  1. through the events of the New Testament
  2. through the Church
  3. through the events of the Old Testament
  4. through the Paschal mystery
Grade 7 God's Plan of Salvation
Through this covenant, God becomes human to show us how to live out the covenants in a way we can understand.
  1. God's Covenant With Moses and the Israelites
  2. The New Covenant
  3. God's Covenant With Abraham
  4. God's Covenant With Moses
Grade 3 God's Plan of Salvation
Each and every person has been given power and responsibility in the creative plan of God.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 God's Plan of Salvation
According to the author of Hebrews, why is Jesus better than the Old Testament sacrifices?
  1. Because Jesus' one sacrifice covers all sin forever, while OT sacrifices must be given over and over
  2. Because now that the temple is destroyed Jesus sacrifice is the only one you can have
  3. Jesus was able to preach the good news to men while dead animals cannot
  4. God decide that Old Testament sacrifices were too cruel and did away with them
  5. Because Christ resurrected and animals cannot
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
According to 1 John 2:1-2, for whom did Jesus die?
  1. Gentiles
  2. Jews
  3. Americans
  4. For all people
Grade 4 God's Plan of Salvation
God promised to send his son         Jesus         to bring us             Salvation            
Grade 9 God's Plan of Salvation
No one is born a Christian. You become a Christian and a member of God’s family only by:
  1. donating money to a church.
  2. choosing to be adopted into His eternal family.
  3. doing enough really good things.
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation is for:
  1. Jews
  2. All people through the grace of God
  3. Christians who go to chruch every week
  4. Gentiles
Grade 11 God's Plan of Salvation
What is the focus of scripture?
  1. Christ and coming to a saving knowledge of Him
  2. Christ and living a Holy life
  3. Christ and following His teachings
  4. Christ and the care of orphans and widows
  5. Living according to it
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History spans:
  1. the New Testament
  2. the Old Testament
  3. both the New and Old Testaments
  4. through today
Grade 6 God's Plan of Salvation
Salvation History is the story of how God saves us from sin and death and brings us to eternal life because of God's great love for us.
  1. True
  2. False
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