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The History of Jesus Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Christians celebrate the day Jesus rose from the dead as
  1. Palm Sunday.
  2. Good Friday.
  3. Easter.
  4. Ash Wednesday.
Grade 9 The History of Jesus
Jesus is                           
  1. 50% Divine and 50% Human
  2. 75% Divine and 25% Human
  3. 100% Divine and 0% Human
  4. 100% Divine and 100% Human
  5. 25% Divine and 75% Human
Grade 4 The History of Jesus
Jesus was born in the town of:
  1. Nazareth
  2. New York
  3. Bethlehem
  4. Spain
Grade 3 The History of Jesus
Why did Jesus say we should keep his commandments?
  1. To show that we love him
  2. To get to heaven
  3. So that we will not be punished
Grade 8 The History of Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth is a prophet of which of the following religions?
  1. Buddhism
  2. Islam
  3. Christianity
  4. Judaism
Grade 7 The History of Jesus
Who did Jesus choose to follow and work alongside him?
  1. Joseph
  2. Mary
  3. Abraham
  4. The Apostles
Grade 6 The History of Jesus
Jesus calls Christians to forgive other people no matter what they did to you.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 The History of Jesus
Who baptized Jesus when he came to earth?
  1. Jacob
  2. John
  3. God
  4. Paul
Grade 7 The History of Jesus
Who is the head of the Church?
  1. The Priest
  2. The Pope
  3. Jesus
  4. The Bishop
Grade 5 The History of Jesus
Jesus preformed the last supper on the day known as                 Holy Thursday                .
Grade 7 The History of Jesus
Mary found out she was having a baby from a(n)                 .
  1. Elizabeth
  2. Joseph
  3. Angel
  4. John the Baptist
  5. Zechariah
Grade 5 The History of Jesus
Who fulfills the promises made in the Old Testament?
  1. the apostles
  2. Jesus
  3. Moses
  4. Saint Peter
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Who was the forerunner of Jesus sent to prepare his way?
  1. John the Baptist
  2. Isaiah
  3. Paul
Grade 5 The History of Jesus
In Matthew, who tempts Jesus while he meditates for 40 days in the desert?
  1. John
  2. Lust
  3. Satan
  4. Possessions
Grade 3 The History of Jesus
Which one of the twelve disciples betrayed Jesus?
  1. Simon Peter
  2. Thaddeus
  3. Judas
  4. Philip
Grade 4 The History of Jesus
What do we call the day that Jesus shared his last meal with his apostles?
  1. Good Friday
  2. Holy Saturday
  3. Easter
  4. Holy Thursday
Grade 1 The History of Jesus
                is the meal Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before he died.
  1. Last Supper
  2. Mass
  3. Eucharist
  4. Gospel
Grade 5 The History of Jesus
After appearing many times and no one believing, what does Jesus do to be recognized?
  1. Give the Sermon on the Mount
  2. Walk on water
  3. Start the Apocalypse
  4. Appear in front of the 11 remaining disciples
Grade 3 The History of Jesus
The twelve disciples left their families, friends and jobs to follow Jesus.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 The History of Jesus
Jesus used                to teach people about God.
  1. songs
  2. parables
  3. poems
  4. dances
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