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Tenets of the Catholic Faith Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The new Pope is chosen by the College of:
  1. Bishops
  2. Archbishops
  3. Cardinals
  4. Priests
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the word used to name the good news of God's loving plan of Salvation, especially revealed through the events of Jesus' life, Passion (suffering), death, Resurrection, and Ascension?
  1. The Gospels
  2. A Covenant
  3. The Ten Commandments
  4. The Beatitudes
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the fourth Church season?
  1. Ordinary Time
  2. Lent
  3. Easter
  4. Advent
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The season where everything is ordinary is called                 Ordinary Time                .
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?
  1. Freedom of religion
  2. The right to bare fire arms
  3. Freedom of speech
  4. None of the above
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What color smoke emanates from the Sistine Chapel's chimney to indicate a new Pope has been chosen?
  1. Black
  2. Green
  3. White
  4. Blue
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the term used to describe the solemn agreement between God and His people to be faithful to each other?
  1. The Gospels
  2. A Covenant
  3. The Ten Commandments
  4. The Beatitudes
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Lent is represented by the color                .
  1. White
  2. Purple
  3. Red
  4. Green
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The commandment to subdue and use the earth and its resources for God's glory and man's benefit is called:
  1. the first law of thermodynamics
  2. the principle of uniformitarianism
  3. creational goodness
  4. the Creation Mandate
Grade 10 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
In March of 2013, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio chose the name:
  1. Pope Francis
  2. Pope John
  3. Pope Benedict
  4. Pope Jorge
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The first Pope was:
  1. Peter
  2. Paul
  3. John
  4. Andrew
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
This Man devoted his life to making it possible for the Scriptures to be read by many more people?
  1. Saint Peter
  2. Jesus
  3. John the Baptizer
  4. Saint Jerome
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What word describes the Holy Spirit guiding human writers of Sacred Scripture so they faithfully and accurately communicated the Word of God?
  1. Gospel
  2. Covenant
  3. Inspired
  4. Dignity
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Which Church season is the longest?
  1. Advent
  2. Easter
  3. Lent
  4. Ordinary Time
Grade 6 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Which of these church seasons comes right before Christmas?
  1. Lent
  2. Advent
  3. Epiphany
  4. Pentecost
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What does it mean that some aspects of our faith are a "mystery"?
  1. It means we may be able to understand a part of the mystery (like the Trinity), but not all of it.
  2. It means that parts of our faith can only be shared with other Catholics, and must be kept a mystery from others
  3. It means that there a clues God leads us to follow to get the answers
  4. All of the above
Grade 7 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is NOT a good description of Sacred Scripture?
  1. A collection of stories about Jesus from eyewitness accounts
  2. A collection of writings that God has inspired various authors to write in his name
  3. The Bible
  4. Writings that the Church selects to include as part of our faith
Grade 5 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is the first church season?
  1. Advent
  2. Ordinary time
  3. Lent
  4. Easter
Grade 4 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Catholics believe this Sacrament is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus, who died for our sins. As we receive Christ's Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
  1. Marriage
  2. Eucharist
  3. Reconciliation
  4. Confirmation
Grade 6 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The cycle of feasts and seasons which celebrates the life of Jesus and His presence in the Church is called                    .
  1. The Liturgical Year
  2. The Calendar
  3. The Bible
  4. The Red Sea
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