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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Tenets of the Catholic Faith Questions

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Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What color smoke emanates from the Sistine Chapel's chimney to indicate a new Pope has been chosen?
  1. Black
  2. Green
  3. White
  4. Blue
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The first Pope was:
  1. Peter
  2. Paul
  3. John
  4. Andrew
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
An exercise and expression of prayer in which we try to understand God's revelation of the truths of faith and the purpose of living a Christian life and how it should be lived in order to respond to what God is asking of us.
  1. meditation
  2. adoration
  3. thanksgiving
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A prayer of worshiping God for his greatness.
  1. adoration
  2. contrition
  3. meditation
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Prayer that Jesus gave to the disciples and to the Church. Also called, the "Our Father."
  1. Glory Be
  2. Act of Contrition
  3. Lord's Prayer
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A witness to the truth of the faith, in which one endures even death to be faithful to Christ.
  1. martyr
  2. council
  3. dry martyr
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Catholics believe that:
  1. God speaks through the teachings of the magisterium.
  2. everyone must do exactly what the Pope wants.
  3. scripture should be read and followed exactly.
  4. the experience and opinions of other people are irrelevant in moral decision making.
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What are the three necessary elements for the celebration of all Sacraments?
  1. matter, form, cause
  2. matter, form, church
  3. matter, form, catholic
  4. matter, form, minister
  5. three blind mice
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Council called to prepare the Church to deal with the changes that occurred in the world since first Vatican Council and to remind everyone of their personal call to holiness.
  1. Council of Trent
  2. Vatican Council II
  3. Council of Rome
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Laity whose mission it is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Catholicism in the world.
  1. St. Paul
  2. apostolate
  3. priest
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A person on earth, in purgatory, or in heaven notable for holiness and heroic virtue.
  1. martyr
  2. saint
  3. laity
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Prayer strengthens our resolve to fast and our generosity in giving alms.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The Catholic Epistles deal with particular Churches only.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Through                sanctifying                 grace, we share the life and love of the Trinity.
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The               Holy Spirit               will help us to share God's love by giving us grace which will make us more effective in our apostolate.
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
An expression of prayer that is a conversation with God, angels, or saints or that is formed with words of a set formula like the Glory Be or Our Father.
  1. holiness
  2. petition
  3. vocal prayer
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
For those who wish to become holy, strength is acquired through the sacraments, particularly                  reconciliation                  and             Eucharist            .
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The faithful who, through Baptism, have been incorporated into the church. They are not in Holy Orders or the consecrated life.
  1. saints
  2. monks
  3. laity
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Greek word meaning change of heart, repentance, or penance. It is considered essential in the pursuit of Christian perfection.
  1. metanoia
  2. totus tuu
  3. lectio divina
Grade 9 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Form of prayer praising God for the good He has given us.
  1. vocal prayer
  2. prayer of thanksgiving
  3. prayer of petition
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