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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Tenets of the Catholic Faith Questions

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Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The commandment to subdue and use the earth and its resources for God's glory and man's benefit is called:
  1. the first law of thermodynamics
  2. the principle of uniformitarianism
  3. creational goodness
  4. the Creation Mandate
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
People who are killed for proclaiming their faith?
  1. Christians
  2. Martyrs
  3. People of God
  4. Gentiles
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Baptism makes a person a child of God and a member of the Church by removing:
  1. Original sin
  2. Personal sin
  3. Original Sin AND Personal Sin
  4. Grace
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Why can Baptism be received only once?
  1. Because it leaves a mark on the person's head
  2. Because it impresses a permanent spiritual mark upon the soul which distinguishes a person as Christ's own forever
  3. Because other attempts to baptize may cause harm
  4. None of the above
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
            Pentecost             is the holy day that occurs 50 days after Easter.
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Who is the minister of the sacrament of Confirmation?
  1. Pastor
  2. Pope
  3. Bishop
  4. Priest
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The sacraments of initiation are           baptism           ,             eucharist            , and                confirmation               .
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Which gift of the Holy Spirit gives us strength to stand up for Christ and the Gospel when challenged?
  1. Fortitude
  2. Piety
  3. Counsel
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Who is a witness to the truth of the faith?
  1. saint
  2. martyr
  3. christian
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Which person led Protestants in defending American Catholics against unjust attacks?
  1. Dwight L. Moody
  2. Charles Darwin
  3. Rev. Washington Gladden
  4. Mother Frances Cabrini
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
In August 1917, Pope Benedict XV propose a new program for peace negotiations. Which of these provisions were NOT suggested by the Pope? (Please choose TWO!)
  1. conversion of both sides to Catholicism
  2. freedom of the seas
  3. disarmament
  4. withdrawal from occupied territory
  5. Germany would cease to exist as an independent country
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The first five books of the Bible are called the Historical books.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The origins of each sacrament may be found in the Sacred Scriptures.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Jesus first instituted the Eucharist with the Apostles on                 Holy Thursday                .
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The 4 Gospels are:           Matthew          ,        Mark       ,        Luke       , and        John       .
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The Eucharist is the sacrament that contains the        Body       ,         Blood        , Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the appearances of         Bread         and Wine.
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
The entire Word of God entrusted by Jesus Christ to the apostles, who in turn passed it on to their successors is                 .
  1. Sacred Scripture
  2. Sacred Tradition
  3. Sacred Bible
  4. Sacred Trinity
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What condemned the errors of the modern world?
  1. Mosaic Law
  2. The Ten Commandments
  3. Science
  4. Syllabus of Errors
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
When did Jesus Christ institute the Eucharist?
  1. Palm Sunday
  2. Easter Sunday
  3. The Last Supper
  4. Good Friday
Grade 8 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
In which sacrament does the Deacon or Priest pour water over a child's head?           Baptism          
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