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College Tenets of the Catholic Faith Questions

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College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Charles the Great brought together two kinds of power and authority,             spiritual            and          secular          , in the same person and office, in the year 800 AD.
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
One of the services the monastic movement provided throughout the middle ages is the preservation of ancient         texts        , both classical and Christian.
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Three of the following choices describe Wisdom literature; one does not. Which one does NOT describe Wisdom literature?
  1. It tends to be universal in application
  2. It tends to appeal to reason rather than revelation
  3. It shows a concern for morality
  4. It is deeply concerned with ritual purity in dress and diet
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A well planned sermon begins with a good outline.
  1. True
  2. False
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
One of the key reasons the early church defined its own canon of authoritative scriptures (i.e. the New Testament) was to articulate its beliefs over against alternative systems of belief such as those advocated by Marcion.
  1. True
  2. False
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Menno Simons located all true authority in the Lord of the church and so forged a break between spiritual and secular powers, earning his movement the nickname "radical reformation."
  1. True
  2. False
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Define the word "apologist" when referring to Christians such as Justin Martyr, and describe the two (2) main reasons the "apologists" wrote the kinds of things they did.
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