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Creation and the Fall of Man Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
Who is the first man on earth?
  1. Adam
  2. Jesus
  3. the devil
  4. God
Grade 1 Creation and the Fall of Man
On the seventh day of creation God:
  1. made fish
  2. worked
  3. rested
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
The creation story is located in which book of the Bible?
  1. Leviticus
  2. Genesis
  3. Matthew
  4. 1 Samuel
Grade 1 Creation and the Fall of Man
God created         light         on the 1st day.
Grade 1 Creation and the Fall of Man
What beautiful home did God give Adam and Eve?
  1. A cave
  2. A house
  3. The Garden of Eden
Grade 1 Creation and the Fall of Man
What one rule did God give Adam and Eve?
  1. Do not eat meat
  2. Do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
  3. Do not leave the garden
Grade 9 Creation and the Fall of Man
What did God create on 4th day?
  1. Land Animals
  2. Man
  3. Dry Land and Plants
  4. Sun and Moon
  5. Water and Sky
  6. Fish and Birds
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
Original sin is the choice of the first humans to disobey God.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Creation and the Fall of Man
Even when you blame others, as Adam and Eve did, you are still accountable for your:
  1. choices.
  2. friends.
  3. homework.
  4. garden.
Grade 4 Creation and the Fall of Man
Original Sin is the sin our first parents committed by not going to church:
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Creation and the Fall of Man
What did God create on 6th day?
  1. Land Animals
  2. Man
  3. Dry Land and Plants
  4. Sun and Moon
  5. Water and Sky
  6. Fish and Birds
Grade 5 Creation and the Fall of Man
What was the name of the garden home of Adam and Eve?
  1. Knowledge
  2. Love
  3. Life
  4. Eden
Grade 6 Creation and the Fall of Man
The earth and entire universe was created by God.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Creation and the Fall of Man
God rested on the seventh day.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Creation and the Fall of Man
The name of the tree Adam and Eve were not supposed to eat from was the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Creation and the Fall of Man
On what day did God create man?
  1. Third day
  2. Fourth day
  3. Second day
  4. Sixth day
Grade 7 Creation and the Fall of Man
Choose the word that best completes the following definition:                 is the ability that God has given us to choose between good and evil. He wants us to love Him by our own choice and so humans are free to choose sin and evil.
  1. Dignity
  2. The Soul
  3. Free will
  4. Original sin
Grade 5 Creation and the Fall of Man
Long ago, before the earth and all the things in it,there was:
  1. already stars and moons
  2. only God
  3. plenty of water to drink
  4. none of the above
Grade 6 Creation and the Fall of Man
This is the first book in the Bible and it is about beginnings.
  1. Exodus
  2. Genesis
  3. Acts
Grade 9 Creation and the Fall of Man
Who is the first man in the Bible?
  1. Ahab
  2. Adam
  3. Isaiah
  4. Cain
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