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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Creation and the Fall of Man Questions

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Grade 11 Creation and the Fall of Man
God rested on this day and blessed his work of creation:
  1. The Sabbath
  2. Sunday
  3. Friday
Grade 11 Creation and the Fall of Man
       Adam        was a hundred and 30 years old when Seth was born. He lived 800 years more and continued having sons and daughters.
Grade 11 Creation and the Fall of Man
Cain, son of Adam and Eve, became the first murderer when he killed his brother Seth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Creation and the Fall of Man
The serpent's punishment for his involvement in the temptation of Adam and Eve was
  1. sliver and crawl on his belly for the rest of his life
  2. the seed of the woman would crush his head
  3. the rat population was reduced in half
  4. the invention of the garden hoe
  5. a and b
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