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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) The History of Jesus Questions

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Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Who was the forerunner of Jesus sent to prepare his way?
  1. John the Baptist
  2. Isaiah
  3. Paul
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Born of Mary, Jesus is both human and divine.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Which angel announced the birth of Jesus?
  1. Rafael
  2. Michael
  3. Gabriel
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
In what bodily form did the Holy Spirit show himself at the baptism of Jesus?
  1. Dove
  2. Angel
  3. Tongues of fire
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
In what way does the author of Hebrews believe Jesus is superior to the angels?
  1. He has inherited a name superior to the angels
  2. He has a physical body unlike angels
  3. He can walk on water while angels cannot
  4. He knows all things while the angels do not
  5. He has inherited greater power than the angels
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Hebrews 10:20 speaks of a veil. What is it a symbol of?
  1. Jesus' flesh
  2. A beautiful decoration in the temple
  3. The sacrifices of the bulls and goats
  4. The burnt offerings
Grade 11 The History of Jesus
Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
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