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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Kentucky Questions

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Grade 4 Kentucky
What is the nickname for Kentucky?
  1. The Golden State
  2. The Sunshine State
  3. The Sunflower State
  4. The Bluegrass State
Grade 4 Kentucky
How many regions are in Kentucky?
  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 4
Grade 4 Kentucky
What is the largest city in Kentucky?
  1. Bowling Green
  2. Lexington
  3. Paducah
  4. Louisville
Grade 4 Kentucky
How many states border Kentucky?
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 8
Grade 4 Kentucky
Kentucky was the                 state to join the union.
  1. 10th
  2. 15th
  3. 17th
  4. 9th
Grade 4 Kentucky
What is the state bird?
  1. Cardinal
  2. Robin
  3. Woodpecker
  4. Dove
Grade 4 Kentucky
How many counties make up Kentucky?
  1. 120
  2. 114
  3. 108
  4. 96
Grade 4 Kentucky
What is the state flower?
  1. Sunflower
  2. Tulip
  3. Carnation
  4. Goldenrod
Grade 4 Kentucky
The highest point in KY is Black Mountain. Which county can this be found?
  1. Pike County
  2. Fayette County
  3. Barren County
  4. Harlan County
Grade 4 Kentucky
Where can you find a moonbow in Kentucky?
  1. Rochester Dam
  2. Lake Malone
  3. Cumberland Falls
  4. Rough River
Grade 4 Kentucky
What is the state tree?
  1. White poplar
  2. Tulip poplar
  3. Grey poplar
  4. Hybrid poplar
Grade 4 Kentucky
Many people in Kentucky's ancestors were from                   northern Europe                  .
Grade 4 Kentucky
Kentucky's biggest agricultural product in horses. Kentucky is the leading state for           exports           for horses
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