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Meal Planning Questions - All Grades

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Continuing Education Meal Planning
Poultry is a high quality source of this nutrient.
  1. carbohydrate
  2. potassium
  3. Vitamin A
  4. protein
Continuing Education Meal Planning
These are foods that frequently cause an allergic reaction.
  1. milk, eggs, and wheat
  2. lamb, rice, and sugar
  3. chocolate and strawberries
  4. rice and pears
Continuing Education Meal Planning
What are foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt called?
  1. grains
  2. proteins
  3. dairy
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Food labels provide information about the ingredients and nutritional value of foods.
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Meats are an excellent source of carbohydrates.
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Meal Planning
The US Food Pyramid is designed as
  1. an example of what the Egyptians ate.
  2. an outline of what to eat each week.
  3. an outline of what to eat each day.
  4. an example of local foods we should eat.
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Carbohydrates are also known as                        .
  1. starch, sugar and fiber
  2. soda, sugar and fiber
  3. starch, wheat and fiber
  4. soda, wheat and fiber
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Diets high in cholesterol content are thought to contribute to                 .
  1. diabetes mellitus
  2. hypertension
  3. heart disease
  4. cataracts
Continuing Education Meal Planning
                are nutrients made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The purpose is to supply energy for your body's functions.
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats
  4. Vitamins
Continuing Education Meal Planning
The number of calories one needs each day is called the                       .
  1. nutrient requirement
  2. calorie intake
  3. calorie requirement
  4. nutritional requirement
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil are                .
  1. vitamins
  2. minerals
  3. electrolytes
  4. antioxidants
Grade 10 Meal Planning
One of your supper guests is a strict vegan. Which of these food categories will you not be serving?
  1. grains
  2. fruits
  3. root vegetables
  4. dairy
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Choose the appropriate snack mix for someone allergic to tree nuts.
  1. raisins, cashews, coconut flakes
  2. banana chips, raisins, cheerios
  3. croutons, pistachios, cranberries
  4. pecans, dried blueberries, cheerios
Continuing Education Meal Planning
The three main groups of carbohydrates are                                                   .
  1. fats, proteins, and minerals
  2. glucose, fructose, and galactose
  3. monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides
  4. sucrose, cellulose, and glycogen
Continuing Education Meal Planning
What is a Food Recovery Program?
  1. composting scrap food
  2. grocery stores that donate excess food
  3. recipe bank for cooking with leftovers
  4. restaurants buy older food at discount prices
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Food labels provide information about the ingredients and nutritional value of foods.
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Meal Planning
According to the US Food Pyramid, what is the suggested range of grain servings for one day?
  1. 4-6
  2. 6-11
  3. 8-10
  4. 2-3
Continuing Education Meal Planning
Unsaturated fats are
  1. the same as saturated fats.
  2. usually liquid at room temperature.
  3. found mainly in meat and milk products.
Grade 10 Meal Planning
You are making muffins for your cousin. Because she is lactose intolerant, which ingredient would substitute for milk in your recipe?
  1. cream
  2. whey
  3. almond milk
  4. dry milk
Continuing Education Meal Planning
This is a good strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
  1. eat only one type of food
  2. keep track of the food you eat
  3. follow a fad diet
  4. skip meals
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