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Oceanography and Hydrology Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Oceanography and Hydrology
The rise and fall of water on Earth is caused mainly by                         .
  1. the Moon's gravity
  2. the tilted axis of Earth
  3. the Moon's phases
  4. changes in the weather
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
Letter G on the water cycle diagram shown can best be described as                    .
Water Cycles
  1. water runoff
  2. water infiltration
  3. groundwater flow
  4. groundwater storage
Grade 2 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 5 Oceanography and Hydrology
The diagram best represents which cycle?
Water Cycles Simple
  1. rock cycle
  2. water cycle
  3. carbon cycle
  4. nitrogen cycle
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
Which of the Earth's spheres is best represented by the diagram?
Water Cycles Simple
  1. biosphere
  2. geosphere
  3. atmosphere
  4. hydrosphere
Grade 4 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 3 Oceanography and Hydrology
Which is not an ocean?
  1. Indian
  2. Pacific
  3. Superior
  4. Atlantic
Grade 2 Oceanography and Hydrology
Most of Earth is covered by oceans.
  1. Yes - True
  2. No - False
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
The water cycle is also called the                  .
  1. rock cycle.
  2. hydrologic cycle.
  3. carbon cycle.
  4. nitrogen cycle.
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
What is the source of energy for the water cycle?
  1. gravity
  2. transpiration
  3. the oceans
  4. the Sun
Grade 6 Oceanography and Hydrology
What force is mostly responsible for tides?
  1. the gravity of the Sun
  2. the gravity of Earth
  3. the gravity of the Moon
  4. wind
Grade 10 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 9 Oceanography and Hydrology
A geyser is a hot spring that shoots columns of                                                                 .
  1. cold water and steam into the air every so often.
  2. hot water and steam into the air every so often.
  3. hot water and steam into the air all the time.
  4. hot water and steam into the inside of the earth every so often.
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