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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Prefixes and Suffixes Questions

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Grade 9 Root Words
If "-relat" means similar, then CORRELATE means...
  1. mutual relation of two or more things, parts, etc.
  2. to spend time with others in a group
  3. to put things in order
  4. work together in a harmonious fashion
Grade 9 Root Words
Grade 9 Root Words
Which root means "to move"?
  1. acro
  2. act
  3. abil
  4. acu
  5. ad
Grade 9 Root Words
Grade 9 Prefixes and Suffixes
understanding through writing
  1. dictionary
  2. catalog
  3. diagram
  4. introspective
Grade 9 Prefixes
What does the prefix "intra" mean?
  1. Outside
  2. Within
  3. Between
  4. Nowhere
Grade 9 Prefixes
What does the word root "pseudo" mean?
  1. study of
  2. across
  3. false
  4. many
Grade 9 Suffixes
The Latin suffix -esque, means "               ."
  1. a perfect copy
  2. the same idea
  3. in the style of
  4. in the end
Grade 9 Prefixes and Suffixes
Grade 9 Prefixes and Suffixes
Grade 9 Prefixes and Suffixes
Grade 9 Prefixes and Suffixes
Grade 9 Root Words
Which root(s) mean "bitter" or "sour?"
  1. abil
  2. abs
  3. acer
  4. acid
  5. acou
Grade 9 Root Words
What does the root chrono mean?
  1. time
  2. color
  3. place
  4. home
Grade 9 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.9-10.4
If "-dictio" mean devoted, then ADDICTION means
  1. following someone around
  2. in love
  3. state of being enslaved to a habit or practice
  4. to write a lot
Grade 9 Root Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.9-10.4, L.9-10.4b
If "-bol" means throw, then HYPERBOLE means
  1. extreme in degree
  2. exaggeration; overstatement
  3. surrender
  4. occurring below the earth's surface
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