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Second Grade (Grade 2) Texas Questions

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Grade 2 Texas
Which government is in charge of the city of El Paso?
  1. Federal government.
  2. Fire department.
  3. State government.
  4. Local government.
Grade 2 Texas
What is the state flower of Texas?
  1. rose
  2. bluebonnet
  3. daisy
  4. sunflower
Grade 2 Texas
Which one is the Texas state bird?
  1. The Crow.
  2. The Cockatiel .
  3. The Mockingbird.
  4. The Love bird.
Grade 2 Texas
What is the name of the most famous Texas battle?
  1. Iraq
  2. The Alamo
  3. French-American War
  4. The Civil War
Grade 2 Texas
What is the Texas state bird?
  1. hummingbird
  2. eagle
  3. mockingbird
  4. parrot
Grade 2 Texas
What is the motto of the state of Texas?
Grade 2 Texas
Write the name of the capitol of the state of Texas.
Grade 2 Texas
Write the name of the country and major body of water that borders with Texas.
Grade 2 Texas
Write the name of the state tree of Texas.
Grade 2 Texas
Write the names of the 4 states that border with Texas.
Grade 2 Texas
Explain why does the Texas flag have one star in it.
Grade 2 Texas
Write down what does the blue, red, and white stripe in the Texas flag mean?
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