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The Crucible - Historical Fiction - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 11 The Crucible
The Crucible should be categorized as... (Choose all that apply)
  1. a tragedy
  2. a comedy
  3. a drama
  4. a morality play
Grade 11 The Crucible
Why is Proctor's third child not baptized?
  1. It is too young to be baptized
  2. Proctor doesn't want Reverend Parris to baptize his baby
  3. Elizabeth and Proctor don't like the baby
  4. Nobody knew how to baptize children
Grade 11 The Crucible
The author of The Crucible, Arthur Miller, wrote the play to draw parallels between the Salem Witch trials and what other historical event?
  1. The Watergate scandal
  2. The Whitewater scandal
  3. Senator McCarthy's hunt for communists
  4. The stock market crash of 1929
Grade 11 The Crucible
Grade 8 The Crucible
Grade 8 The Crucible
Grade 10 The Crucible
Where does The Crucible take place?
  1. Boston, MA
  2. Swanton, VT
  3. Salem, MA
  4. Jamestown, VA
Grade 10 The Crucible
Before the play begins, what did Parris catch his daughter and other girls doing?
  1. Trying to run away from home
  2. Dancing in the forest
  3. Reading Catholic tracts
  4. Conducting a black mass in the church
Grade 11 The Crucible
Which of the following quotes is an example of a hyperbole from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?
  1. "You are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent in our eyes."
  2. "There is no other reason to be given why you have not gone to hell, since you have sat here in the house of God..."
  3. "It would be dreadful to suffer this fierceness and wrath of Almighty God for one moment..."
  4. "O sinner! Consider the fearful danger you are in: it is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit..."
Grade 11 The Crucible
Which character from the play says, "Vengeance is walking in Salem,"?
  1. John Proctor
  2. Giles Corey
  3. Sarah Good
  4. Mary Warren
Grade 11 The Crucible
John Proctor would best be described as...
  1. a protagonist
  2. an antagonist
  3. a foil
  4. a playwright
Grade 11 The Crucible
Proctor does not like Rev. Parris because he thinks Parris...
  1. is a lecher
  2. is too superstitious
  3. is too concerned with money and expensive items
  4. is being taken to an asylum for treatment
Grade 11 The Crucible
Grade 10 The Crucible
On what charge is Giles Corey arrested?
  1. Witchcraft
  2. Murder
  3. Contempt of Court
  4. Slander
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