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World History Questions - All Grades

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Grade 8 Exploration
Who was the French explorer that explored the St. Lawrence region of Canada?
  1. Jacques Cartier
  2. Giovanni Verrazano
  3. Henando de Soto
  4. Samuel de Champlain
Grade 6 Mesopotamia
What is the name of the Sumerian writing system?
  1. Linear A
  2. hieroglyphs
  3. Phoenician
  4. cuneiform
Grade 9 French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as
  1. a liberal who supported the Third Estate.
  2. a military hero.
  3. an opponent of Robespierre.
  4. a supporter of Marie Antoinette.
Grade 7 European History
Grade 8 Industrial Revolution
Grade 8 WWI
Grade 9 Ancient History
Who was the first group people who took over Italy?
  1. Romans
  2. Italians
  3. Etruscans
  4. Chinese
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 10 Renaissance and Reformation
Who is known as the "Father of Humanism"?
  1. More
  2. Dante
  3. Petrarch
  4. Boccaccio
Grade 9 WWI
What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
  1. a broken treaty to end the war in 1917
  2. the treaty that was broken starting World War I
  3. Wilson's proposed treaty containing the 14 points
  4. a separate treaty ending fighting between Russia and Germany
Grade 9 Ancient History
Grade 8 WWI
Grade 6 Renaissance and Reformation
Who was the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland?
  1. John Knox
  2. Ignatius Loyola
  3. Huldrych Zwingli
  4. Thomas Cranmer
Grade 9 French Revolution
Grade 8 French Revolution
The Treaty of Versailles ended which war?
  1. World War I
  2. World War II
  3. Algerian War
  4. Franco-Prussian War
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