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Acids and Bases Questions - All Grades

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Grade 12 Acids and Bases
Grade 7 Acids and Bases

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Bleach is a                .
  1. weak acid
  2. weak base
  3. strong acid
  4. strong base
Grade 8 Acids and Bases
The table shows the pH of four substances.
pH Values
Orange Juice4.0

Which lists the substances from least to most acidic?
  1. ammonia, blood, milk, orange juice
  2. orange juice, milk, blood, ammonia
  3. ammonia, milk, blood, orange juice
  4. orange juice, blood, milk, ammonia
Grade 6 Acids and Bases
You can determine the concentration of acids or bases in a solution by using
  1. the pH scale.
  2. a salt.
  3. the periodic table of elements.
  4. a particle accelerator.
Grade 7 Acids and Bases
Grade 8 Acids and Bases
A solution at pH 11.5 is                  .
  1. acidic
  2. basic
  3. neutral
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 Acids and Bases
What is the most accurate way to see acidity or alkalinity?
  1. blue litmus paper
  2. red litmus paper
  3. universal litmus paper
  4. indicator
Grade 8 Acids and Bases
Grade 6 Acids and Bases
Grade 6 Acids and Bases
Grade 6 Acids and Bases
A liquid with a pH of 10 is                  .
  1. a base
  2. an acid
  3. neutral
  4. none of the above
Grade 9 Acids and Bases
Dilute and concentrated refer to                                        .
  1. the concentration of a solution
  2. how much water is added to the solution
  3. how high the boiling point is
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 Acids and Bases
A substance with a pH of 2 is a                .
  1. strong acid
  2. weak acid
  3. strong base
  4. weak base
Grade 8 Acids and Bases
Which set of substances listed is correctly sequenced from most to least acidic?
  1. pH = 3, pH = 2, pH = 9
  2. pH = 7, pH = 8, pH = 9
  3. pH = 1, pH = 3, pH = 6
  4. pH = 8, pH = 10, pH = 14
Grade 8 Acids and Bases
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