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Periodic Table and Elements Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Periodic Table and Elements
An element is a substance that                                              .
  1. exists naturally as a solid, liquid, and gas
  2. cannot be broken down into simpler substances
  3. is above 86 on the periodic table
  4. can be broken down only by chemical means
Grade 7 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 7 Periodic Table and Elements
Periodic means                                     .
  1. happening at regular intervals
  2. happening very rarely
  3. happening frequently
  4. happening three or four times a year
Grade 9 Periodic Table and Elements
Vertical columns are called                .
  1. periods
  2. metals
  3. metalloids
  4. groups
  5. non-metals
Grade 7 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 11 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 9 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 7 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 9 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
In the modern Periodic Table, elements are arranged
  1. according to atomic mass.
  2. according to atomic number.
  3. in alphabetical order.
  4. according to the number of neutrons in their nuclei.
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
Which best describes oxygen?
  1. Oxygen is a halogen.
  2. Oxygen is a nonmetal.
  3. Oxygen is a noble gas.
  4. Oxygen is a rare earth element.
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 6 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Grade 8 Periodic Table and Elements
What is Cu?
  1. Copper
  2. Zinc
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