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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Periodic Table and Elements Questions

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Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
A(n)                   is the smallest unit of an element that has the properties of that element.
  1. atom
  2. molecule
  3. physical property
  4. chemical property
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
The properties of elements are determined by the structure of their               .
  1. matter
  2. particles
  3. gases
  4. atoms
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Which of the following is an example of an element?
  1. Rust
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Water
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Most elements are what?
  1. gases
  2. metals
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
The smallest unit of an element is a(n)               .
  1. atom
  2. metal
  3. solution
  4. compound
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
An element that is a good conductor of heat and electricity is called a                .
  1. metal
  2. nonmetal
  3. metalloid
  4. plastic
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Elements are organized in a table called the                 table.
  1. kitchen
  2. periodic
  3. element
  4. compound
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
The basic building blocks of matter.
  1. Atom
  2. Proton
  3. Elements
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
There are more than 100 types of basic matter, each called a(n)                .
  1. compound
  2. molecule
  3. atom
  4. element
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Which of the following is a gas we breathe?
  1. gold
  2. iron
  3. oxygen
  4. silver
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
An element is a substance made up of several kinds of atoms.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
What is an element?
  1. the basic substances from which all other substances are made
  2. an atom with no charge
  3. chemicals that have reactions
  4. metals that have no properties
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
The basic building blocks of matter.
  1. Atom
  2. Proton
  3. Elements
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Copper, zinc, gold, and titanium are all part of the                     transition metals                     family.
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
A substance made up of only one kind of atom is an element.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
All elements on the left side of the periodic table are            metals            , except for            hydrogen           .
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
The elements on the far right-hand side of the periodic table are             nonmetals            .
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
Elements in their natural form are
  1. gases only.
  2. solids and liquids.
  3. liquids only.
  4. gases and liquids.
  5. solids, liquids or gases.
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
How is the periodic table organized?
  1. The table is arranged according to the number of protons.
  2. The elements in each column have similar chemical properties.
  3. Both A and B
  4. Neither A nor B
Grade 5 Periodic Table and Elements
What property do metals have in common?
  1. They have the same color.
  2. They are poor conductors of heat.
  3. They are good conductors of electricity.
  4. They are all solids at room temperature.
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