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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Kinetics and Equilibrium Questions

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Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
Particles that are spaced far apart and move around freely at high speeds are in which state?
  1. suspension
  2. solid
  3. gas
  4. liquid
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
In which substance are the particles moving the fastest?
  1. ice cube
  2. apple juice
  3. ocean water
  4. hot chocolate
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
Which statement about the molecules in ice and the molecules in liquid water is correct?
  1. The molecules in ice contain different atoms than the molecules in liquid water.
  2. The molecules in ice have more energy than the molecules in liquid water
  3. The molecules in ice have more electric charge than the molecules in liquid water
  4. The molecules in ice are less free to move than the molecules in liquid water.
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
Evaporation happens when liquid water is                 and changed into a               .
  1. heated, solid
  2. cooled, liquid
  3. heated, gas
  4. cooled, solid
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
Water freezes at 32 degrees                      .
  1. Celsius
  2. Fahrenheit
  3. Celsius or Fahrenheit
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
Particles in a gas move freely.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Kinetics and Equilibrium
                has molecules that move the fastest.
  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
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