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Bonds and Mixing Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Bonds and Mixing
What type of ion forms when an atom loses electrons?
  1. A positive anion
  2. A negative anion
  3. A positive cation
  4. A negative cation
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
What are the two major categories of matter?
  1. Atoms and molecules
  2. Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
  3. Mixtures and substances
  4. Elements and compounds
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
The ways in which an atom can bond with other atoms is determined by the                                         .
  1. number of energy levels of the electrons
  2. number of valence electrons
  3. shape of the valence electrons
  4. period in which the atom falls
Grade 5 Bonds and Mixing
Filtration can separate the substances that have been combined using a funnel and filter paper. Which of the following materials can be separated using filtration?
  1. a mixture of mud and water
  2. a solution of vinegar and water
  3. a mixture of sand and sawdust
  4. a solution of salt and water
Grade 10 Bonds and Mixing
What type of bond holds one H2O (water) molecule together, giving it opposing charges?
  1. Ionic Bond
  2. Polar Covalent
  3. Nonpolar Covalent Bond
  4. Hydrogen Bond
Grade 7 Bonds and Mixing
In a mixture, substances
  1. keep their own properties.
  2. have a definite chemical composition.
  3. lose their original properties.
  4. combine chemically.
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
[math]MgF_2[/math] is an example of a(n)                .
  1. ionic bond
  2. metallic bond
  3. covalent bond
  4. noble bond
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
How is a mixture different from a compound?
  1. A mixture has a chemical formula. A compound does not.
  2. Substances in a compound are chemically combined. The substances in a mixture are not.
  3. A compound is easier to separate than a mixture.
  4. A mixture forms with a chemical reaction. A compound does not.
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 6 Bonds and Mixing
Susan and Hector made three different mixtures which consisted of (1) baking soda and water, (2) gravel and water (3) table salt and water. Which of the following explains why table salt and water is also a solution?
  1. the salt dissolved in the water
  2. the contents can be separated by a filter
  3. the salt settles at the bottom
  4. the contents can be separated with a screen
Grade 9 Bonds and Mixing
Grade 5 Bonds and Mixing
Hot chocolate and ocean water are examples of what?
  1. mixtures
  2. solutions
  3. beverages
  4. salty liquids
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
What is a chemical bond?
  1. a group of atoms that are joined together
  2. the basic particle of matter
  3. the force that holds two atoms together
  4. a substance formed from the chemical combination of two or more atoms
Grade 5 Bonds and Mixing
Which of the following materials can be separated using filtration?
  1. a solution of vinegar and water
  2. a mixture of sand and sawdust
  3. a mixture of mud and water
  4. a solution of salt and water
Grade 8 Bonds and Mixing
Which of the following best classifies dirt?
  1. element
  2. compound
  3. homogeneous mixture
  4. heterogeneous mixture
Grade 5 Bonds and Mixing
Which of the following are ways that a mixture can be separated?
  1. evaporation
  2. sifting
  3. filtration
  4. all of the above
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