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Graduate Biochemistry Questions

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Graduate Macromolecules
Which of the following large organic molecules includes table sugar?
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Lipids
  3. Proteins
  4. Nucleic acids
Graduate Biochemistry
Graduate Macromolecules
What is the name of the chemical bond linking monosaccharide subunits in disaccharides?
  1. glycosidic bond
  2. glycodiester bond
  3. hydrogen bond
  4. peptide bond
  5. phosphodiester bond
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
Which polysaccharide consists of individual long, twisted, unbranched chains of glucose?
  1. Starch
  2. Cellulose
  3. Glycogen
  4. This does not describe a polysaccharide.
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
In a recent newspaper article promoting the eating of seaweed and seaweed products, the argument was made that doing so was a more efficient use of energy than eating animals. Why would eating seaweed be more energy efficient than eating an animal?
  1. The energy found in animal matter represents a fraction of the energy found in the plant matter eaten by the animal. It would be better to just eat the plant and skip a step.
  2. The conversion of plant matter to animal matter produces less waste than converting animal material to animal material.
  3. Plant matter contains more energy per unit volume than does animal matter.
  4. Plant matter contains more energy per unit weight than does animal matter.
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
Graduate Macromolecules
What might lead to a protein that does not function properly?
  1. Incorrect folding of the amino acid chain
  2. The active site becoming blocked
  3. The active site becoming distorted
  4. All of these
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
All living things require substantial quantities of carbon. Where do plants get the carbon they need to survive?
  1. From decaying organic matter
  2. From the air
  3. From the soil (but not water)
  4. From the water in the soil
Graduate Macromolecules
What makes the "head" of a phospholipid hydrophilic?
  1. The even distribution of electrons across the fatty acids makes the head polar.
  2. The uneven distribution of electrons across the fatty acids makes the head polar.
  3. The phosphate group carries a negative charge, making the head polar.
  4. The phosphate group carries a negative charge, making the head nonpolar
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
Phosphorylation of Fructose 6-Phosphate is allosterically inhibited by                             .
  1. High ATP
  2. High citrate
  3. Low Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate
  4. Two of the Above
  5. All of the Above
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
In the pathway favored by glucagon, carbon dioxide is released when                                                .
  1. Glucose 6-P ---> Fructose 6-P
  2. Isocitrate ---> a-Ketogluterate
  3. Succinyl CoA --> a-Ketogluterate
  4. 1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate ---> Glyceraldehyde 3-P
  5. None of the Above
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
Graduate Biochemical Pathways
What is the definition of energy?
  1. The capacity to do work
  2. The movement of an object
  3. Particles moving in waves through a system
  4. The amount of order in a system
Graduate Biochemistry
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