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Common Core Standard CCRA.R.8 Questions

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

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Grade 8 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.8.8

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The author supports the argument that Houdini was a hard worker by describing...
  1. how he prepared
  2. his famous tricks
  3. his childhood
  4. how he became popular
Grade 8 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.8.8

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Which claim from the article is least supported by factual evidence?
  1. Your eyes are like two small cameras
  2. This allows you to view the world in three dimensions, or 3-D.
  3. On the other hand, animals that are hunted have eyes on the sides of the head
  4. If you think it would be great to have another type of vision . . . think again!
Grade 8 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.8.8

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The author of this passage concludes that "seeing in stereo":
  1. helps people to have better vision than animals have
  2. would be better if it allowed for a wider field of vision
  3. is an ability humans are fortunate to have
  4. is similar to the way cameras work
Grade 3 Fact and Opinion CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.3.8
Choose the fact.
  1. Chocolate is the best flavor.
  2. Math class is very interesting.
  3. You should only wear the color green in summer.
  4. George Washington was the first president of the United States.
Grade 7 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.7.8

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In the first paragraph, the author states Michael Jordan was born for greatness. Which sentence from the passage best supports that statement?
  1. Michael Jordan went on to lead the Bulls to three more finals championships.
  2. After going in and out of the league a couple more times, he finally officially retired on April 16, 2003.
  3. Michael Jordan finished as the NBA’s third leading scorer of all time, won the scoring title nine times, and made the all-defensive team nine times.
  4. Off the court Michael has an extremely successful brand of shoes, called Jordans, owns the Charlotte Hornets, and has made appearances in many different movies, including the iconic Space Jam.
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.2.8
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.2.8

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