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Common Core Standard RL.3.2 Questions

Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.

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Grade 3 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A Real Grandma
by Joan Strauss

Grandma wasn't like the grandmas Beth saw in books. Those grandmas were in the kitchen with aprons on, baking cookies. They sat in rocking chairs with cats in their laps.
Beth's grandma wore jeans. Instead of a cat, she had a yellow Lab named Sunny.
Beth wondered, Is my grandma a real grandma?
"Can we bake cookies?" Beth asked.
"When we're not so busy," Grandma said, "we'll bake oatmeal cookies with raisins. They're my favorite."
"Why can't we bake them today?" Beth asked.
"Today we're taking Sunny to cheer up the people in the nursing home," Grandma said.
The people in the nursing home liked playing with Sunny. But there was no time to bake cookies.
The next time Beth visited Grandma she asked, "Can we bake cookies today?"

"We're going to build a bluebird house today," said Grandma. "Spring's here. The bluebirds need a house."
Beth had fun hammering nails and painting the bluebird house. It took the whole day. There wasn't any time left to bake cookies.
At Beth's next visit, she and Grandma rode their bikes through the park. By the time they got back, it was too late to bake cookies.
"Grandma's always too busy to bake cookies," said Beth. "I wish I had a real grandma."
"She is a real grandma," Mom said. "She's just a busy grandma. She doesn't have time to bake."
Beth sat quietly, her chin propped in her hand. She smiled. "I know! Since I have time, I'll bake cookies for Grandma, oatmeal cookies with raisins. Will you help me, Mom?"
"What a good idea. Of course, I'll help."
Beth mixed the cookie batter and stirred in the raisins. She dropped spoonfuls of batter onto the cookie sheets.
Mom slid the pans into the oven. The cookies turned a beautiful golden brown. Beth and Mom each ate one. Beth packed the rest in a shiny cookie tin for Grandma.
19When they arrived at Grandma's house, she was digging in her garden. Beth jumped out of Mom's car. She held out the cookie tin. "Grandma, I've got a surprise for you!"
Grandma leaned back on her heels then stood up. "A surprise? For me?" Grandma opened the tin without even taking off her muddy gardening gloves. "Oatmeal cookies with raisins! How wonderful!"
"I baked them for you," Beth said.
"That's even more wonderful." Grandma hugged and kissed Beth.
Beth snuggled into Grandma's arms. She didn't care about Grandma's muddy gloves. Grandma might not be like the grandmas in books, but Beth knew her grandma was a real grandma.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A summary is another way to describe what happened in a story. Which choice summarizes the story?
  1. Four bunnies went into Mr. McGregor's garden and only one came out alive.
  2. Mr. McGregor invited Peter to his garden, but it turned out to be a terrible trick.
  3. Peter's mother told the bunnies the story of when their father went to Mr. McGregor's garden. It did not have a happy ending.
  4. Peter did not listen to his mother and went to Mr. McGregor's garden. He faced some trouble and became very sick.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A summary is another way to describe what happened in a story. Which choice summarizes the story?
  1. Mr. McGregor invited Peter to his garden, but it turned out to be a terrible trick.
  2. Peter's mother told the bunnies the story of when their father went to Mr. McGregor's garden.
  3. Four bunnies went into Mr. McGregor's garden and only one came out alive.
  4. Peter did not listen to his mother and went to Mr. McGregor's garden. He faced some trouble and became very sick.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A moral is a lesson a story teaches about life. Which choice shows a moral from this story?
  1. Never eat your vegetables
  2. Always listen to your mother
  3. Stay away from large vegetable gardens
  4. Boys who are bad do not get special treats
Grade 3 Summarizing CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
One night Paul could not go to sleep. It was 10:00 PM and he was still awake. He tried closing his eyes, but that didn't work. He tried to lie on his stomach. That didn't work either. He tried to count to 100. That only made him think more. Finally, he got up and got a drink of water. That made him feel better. He went back to bed and fell asleep.

What is the best summary of this story?
  1. Paul could not go to sleep. He got a drink of water. He tried to count to 100. He finally went to sleep.
  2. Paul could not go to sleep. He tried many things to help him go to sleep. He got a drink of water. Finally, he went back to bed and went to sleep.
  3. He went back to bed and went to sleep. He tried to count to 100. One night Paul could not go to sleep.
Grade 3 Summarizing CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
It was late afternoon when Daisy and Baily were let out of their kennels. They ran outside and searched for their toys. They played frisbee, fetch with a ball and chased squirrels. After about an hour they began to get hungry. They barked and barked until their owner came out to feed them. The food was yummy and they ate it all up. After that, they laid out in the yard in the sunshine. The sun was warm on their fur. What a nice afternoon Daisy and Baily had together.

What is the best summary of this story?
  1. Daisy and Baily played all afternoon. They laid out in the yard. Then they went back to their kennels.
  2. Daisy and Baily are dogs. They like to bark and play. They played in the sun. They got out of their kennels. They had a nice afternoon together.
  3. Daisy and Baily played together. They ate some food. They laid out in the sun. They had a nice afternoon.

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