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Common Core Standard W.11-12.7 Questions

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

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Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which of the following topics is the narrowest?
  1. Confederate Nurses in the Civil War
  2. The Civil War
  3. The Confederates vs. the Union
  4. Confederates in the Civil War
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the narrowest?
  1. The History of Social Media Networks
  2. Issues with Snapchat
  3. Safety and Social Media
  4. Using Social Media
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which of the following topics is the broadest?
  1. Confederate Nurses in the Civil War
  2. The Civil War
  3. The Confederates vs. the Union
  4. Confederates in the Civil War
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the broadest?
  1. The History of Social Media Networks
  2. Issues with Snapchat
  3. Safety and Social Media
  4. Using Social Media
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which of the following topics is the narrowest?
  1. William Shakespeare
  2. The Life of William Shakespeare
  3. The Early Years of William Shakespeare
  4. The Works of William Shakespeare
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the narrowest?
  1. Conservation efforts in the Middle East
  2. Conservation efforts in the northern Sahara Desert
  3. Conservation efforts related to endangered animals in the Sahara Desert
  4. Conservation efforts in the deserts of the Middle East
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which of the following topics is the broadest?
  1. William Shakespeare
  2. The Life of William Shakespeare
  3. The Early Years of William Shakespeare
  4. The Works of William Shakespeare
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the broadest?
  1. Conservation efforts in the Middle East
  2. Conservation efforts in the northern Sahara Desert
  3. Conservation efforts related to endangered animals in the Sahara Desert
  4. Conservation efforts in the deserts of the Middle East
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the narrowest?
  1. The Effects of Global Warming
  2. Preventing Global Warming
  3. Regional Impacts of Global Warming
  4. Explaining Global Warming
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement represents a thesis?
  1. States must determine and adopt responsible limitations on abortions.
  2. Late-term abortions result in significant emotional distress for the women undergoing the procedure.
  3. Scientists have not come to a consensus on when a fetus gains the status of a full-fledged human.
  4. Some states have enacted laws limiting the terms under which an abortion may be performed.
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the broadest?
  1. The Effects of Global Warming
  2. Preventing Global Warming
  3. Regional Impacts of Global Warming
  4. Explaining Global Warming
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement represents a thesis?
  1. Affirmative action offers low-income students a chance to obtain a quality college education.
  2. Many states have adopted legislation to preserve some of the tenets of affirmative action.
  3. Despite the appearance of relative equality due to affirmative action, serious inequalities still remain.
  4. Republicans and Democrats are divided when it comes to affirmative action.
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the narrowest?
  1. Cloning Dolly the Sheep
  2. Ethical Issues in Cloning
  3. The Benefits of Cloning
  4. A Look at Cloning
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement best represents a thesis?
  1. Sending a child to public school costs twice as much as private school.
  2. Parents who send their children to private school should not have to pay for public education.
  3. The amount the average household contributes to education varies by municipality.
  4. Many private schools offer scholarships to offset the cost of tuition, but there are not enough scholarships to go around.
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the broadest?
  1. Cloning Dolly the Sheep
  2. Ethical Issues in Cloning
  3. The Benefits of Cloning
  4. A Look at Cloning
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement represents a thesis?
  1. This paper will focus on the role of nurses during the Civil War.
  2. Nurses played a significant role during the Civil War, saving the lives of countless soldiers on both sides.
  3. Many nurses in the Civil War were the wives and sisters of the soldiers who fought in battle.
  4. The gruesome sights and personal relationship with many of the soldiers caused emotional strife for nurses.
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the narrowest?
  1. The War in the Middle East
  2. Negative Effects of War
  3. PTSD and the Persian Gulf War
  4. Major Wars in American History
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement represents a thesis?
  1. In this paper, I will discuss the negative effects of plastic rings on the environment.
  2. Should soda manufacturers be banned from using plastic rings as part of their packaging?
  3. Despite efforts to educate the public about plastic rings, millions of fish and other wildlife die every year because of their use.
  4. Reducing or eliminating the use of plastic rings in packaging will have a significant impact on ocean life.
Grade 11 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which topic is the broadest?
  1. The War in the Middle East
  2. Negative Effects of War
  3. PTSD and the Persian Gulf War
  4. Major Wars in American History
Grade 12 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which statement represents a thesis?
  1. Fuel costs have continued to rise.
  2. Do rising fuel costs contribute to an increase in the purchase of hybrid vehicles?
  3. As fuel costs continue to rise, more consumers will turn to hybrid vehicles as a way to save money and help the environment.
  4. Hybrid vehicles use less fuel than vehicles with a standard gasoline-powered engine.
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