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Common Core Standard W.2.1 Questions

Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.

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Kindergarten Opinion Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1
Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

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Grade 1 Opinion Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1
Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

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Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1
Vivi is writing a review of a book. She wants other students to know how great the book is. Which sentence BEST shows how great the book is?
  1. This is the best book I have ever read.
  2. There are lots of scary parts in this book.
  3. This book had 200 pages and 15 chapters.
  4. The main characters in this book are in fifth grade.
Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

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Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1
Aden is writing a paper about his favorite sport, baseball. He wants to include reasons why he likes baseball better than football. Which sentence BEST shows why he likes baseball better than football.
  1. Baseball is a fun game to play.
  2. One time, I went to a football game with my dad.
  3. Baseball and football both require a lot of energy.
  4. Baseball is cooler than football because you can catch a pop fly.
Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

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Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

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Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Grade 2 Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.2.1

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Kindergarten Opinion Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1

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