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Common Core Standard 1.G.A.1 Questions

Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.

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Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
A triangle has how many sides?
  1. four
  2. five
  3. three
  4. two
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Which would change the shape so it was no longer a triangle?
Equilateral Triangle v1
  1. make it bigger
  2. color it yellow
  3. flip it upwards
  4. remove a side
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Which of the following would change the shape of the rectangle?
  1. color it blue
  2. make it smaller
  3. remove one side
  4. turn it clockwise
Grade 1 Basic Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 2 Three Dimensional Shapes CCSS: 1.G.A.1
Grade 1 Other Polygons CCSS: 1.G.A.1

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