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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Christianity Questions

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Grade 9 Christianity
The statement, "God created the earth" is based on
  1. experimental proof
  2. faith
  3. scientific evidence
  4. the second law of thermodynamics
Grade 9 Christianity
The Cosmological Argument states:
  1. All design is the result of a designer
  2. All objective morality must come from a God
  3. Everything that begins to exist has a cause for its existence
  4. Since humans have desire that are not fulfilled in this world, we were made for another world.
  5. None of the above
Grade 9 Christianity
Grade 9 Christianity
The Moral Argument states:
  1. All design is the result of a designer
  2. All objective morality must come from a God
  3. Everything that begins to exist has a cause for its existence
  4. Since humans have desire that are not fulfilled in this world, we were made for another world.
  5. None of the above
Grade 9 Christianity
What is the assertion that there are no absolutes?
  1. Metaphysics
  2. Epistemology
  3. Pluralism
  4. Relativism
Grade 9 Christianity
The Teleological Argument states:
  1. All design is the result of a designer
  2. All objective morality must come from a God
  3. Everything that begins to exist has a cause for its existence
  4. Since humans have desire that are not fulfilled in this world, we were made for another world.
  5. None of the above
Grade 9 Christianity
What is the study of what is real?
  1. Metaphysics
  2. Epistemology
  3. Pluralism
  4. Relativism
Grade 9 Christianity
What is the study of how we know things?
  1. Metaphysics
  2. Epistemology
  3. Pluralism
  4. Relativism
Grade 9 Christianity
Grade 9 Christianity
Spirit and Matter are both real yet independent and interdependent to various degrees.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
We exist with the potential to someday become perfect reality in the spiritual realm.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Christ-centered Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
In order to accurately change an action or belief, it is profitable to approach Scripture with
  1. An eisegetical mindset
  2. A Pluralistic mindset
  3. An exegetical mindset
  4. None of the above
Grade 9 Christianity
Humans are made in the image of God but do not possess His exact nature.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
God is personal and has a personality.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
There is no God; each individual is his or her own God.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Christ-centered Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
Jesus is the ultimate reflection of reality since He is 100% fully God and 100% fully man.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Christ-centered Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
The natural is real. No spiritual realm.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Christ-centered Theist
Grade 9 Christianity
Morality is absurd.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Both A and C are correct
Grade 9 Christianity
Man is a complex system of electricity and matter.
  1. Authentic Materialist
  2. Pure Idealist
  3. Complete Monist
  4. True Theist
  5. Christ-centered Theist
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