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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Egypt Questions

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Grade 6 Egypt
What was the Egyptian writing system?
  1. Cursive
  2. Hieroghlyphics
  3. Cuneiform
  4. Linear B
Grade 6 Egypt
The capital of the Kushite Kingdom was
  1. Babylon
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Thebes
  4. Meroe
Grade 6 Egypt
Who was the first woman to rule Kush?
  1. Queen Nefertiti
  2. Queen Isis
  3. Queen Shanakhdakheto
  4. Queen Hatsheput
Grade 6 Egypt
Grade 6 Egypt
From what plant did the Egyptians make paper?
  1. Palm trees
  2. papyrus
  3. cottonwood
  4. reeds
Grade 6 Egypt
Which of these is the CORRECT order of Egyptian society from highest to lowest class?
  1. Pharaoh, Priests, Scribes, Merchants/Artisans, Slaves
  2. Pharaoh, Priests, Merchants/Artisans, Scribes, Slaves
  3. Pharaoh, Scribes, Merchants/Artisans, Priests, Slaves
  4. Priests, Pharaoh, Merchants/Artisans, Scribes, Slaves
Grade 6 Egypt
Most of the pyramids were built during what?
  1. the Old Kingdom
  2. the New Kingdom
  3. the Middle Kingdom
  4. lunch yesterday
Grade 6 Egypt
Grade 6 Egypt
Pyramids were built so Egyptians could...
  1. protect their king in the after-life(safe-guard their soul)
  2. To decorate Egypt with beauty
  3. To make sure any person could live on forever
Grade 6 Egypt
Piankhi was the son of               
  1. King Kashta
  2. King Tut
  3. King Shabaka
  4. King Ramses
Grade 6 Egypt
Egyptian civilization developed on the banks of the Nile because
  1. the sunshine if Africa allowed life to flourish.
  2. the river flooded each year, depositing rich soil on its banks.
  3. the river connected to the Mediterranean Sea.
  4. people were growing crops in the surrounding desert.
Grade 6 Egypt
Grade 6 Egypt
Why is the Rosetta Stone significant?
  1. It was the stone used to make canopic jars
  2. It was King Tut's throne
  3. It was used to translate hieroglyphs
  4. It had spells to be used in the passage to the afterlife
Grade 6 Egypt
Which of the following accomplishments did King Menes achieve?
  1. To commission the building of the Great Pyramids at Giza
  2. Changed the religion from Monotheism to Polytheism
  3. Unified both Uper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom
  4. Married Cleopatra saving Egypt from Roman control
Grade 6 Egypt
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