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Egypt Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Egypt
Egyptian mummies were usually dehydrated using natron, which is what?
  1. a salt
  2. an herb
  3. a type of reed
  4. Silt from the Nile
Grade 5 Egypt
Purposeful mummification in Egypt began during what period?
  1. 2nd Intermediate Period
  2. Middle Kingdom
  3. New Kingdom
  4. Old Kingdom
Grade 4 Egypt
Grade 6 Egypt
What was the Egyptian writing system?
  1. Cursive
  2. Hieroghlyphics
  3. Cuneiform
  4. Linear B
Grade 6 Egypt
The capital of the Kushite Kingdom was
  1. Babylon
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Thebes
  4. Meroe
Grade 6 Egypt
Who was the first woman to rule Kush?
  1. Queen Nefertiti
  2. Queen Isis
  3. Queen Shanakhdakheto
  4. Queen Hatsheput
Grade 6 Egypt
Grade 7 Egypt
Grade 7 Egypt
Egyptian pyramid building began during which time period?
  1. Old Kingdom
  2. Middle Kingdom
  3. New Kingdom
  4. Ptolemaic Kingdom
Grade 3 Egypt
Which of the Seven Wonders still survives today?
  1. the Temple of Artemis
  2. the Statue of Zeus
  3. the Great Pyramid
Grade 5 Egypt
Who was the god of the sun?
  1. Anubis
  2. Ma'at
  3. Horus
  4. Ra
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