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Mesopotamia Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Mesopotamia
Grade 6 Mesopotamia
What is the name of the Sumerian writing system?
  1. Linear A
  2. hieroglyphs
  3. Phoenician
  4. cuneiform
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Grade 6 Mesopotamia
Grade 9 Mesopotamia
Where did the first civilization develop?
  1. Indus River Valley
  2. China
  3. Eygpt
  4. Mesopotamia
Grade 3 Mesopotamia
Which city had a large terraced garden?
  1. Ephesus
  2. Nineveh
  3. Alexandria
Grade 6 Mesopotamia
What are the names of the two main rivers in Mesopotamia?
  1. White Nile and Blue NIle
  2. Tigris and Euphrates
  3. Nile and Tigris
  4. Indus and Ganges
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